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10.5. CentOS 7 MongoDB

CentOS 默认 MongoDB 是 2.6.12

[root@iZ623h9icu8Z ~]# yum info mongodb
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Available Packages
Name        : mongodb
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 2.6.12
Release     : 3.el7
Size        : 43 M
Repo        : epel/x86_64
Summary     : High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database
URL         : http://www.mongodb.org
License     : AGPLv3 and zlib and ASL 2.0
Description : Mongo (from "humongous") is a high-performance, open source, schema-free
            : document-oriented database. MongoDB is written in C++ and offers the following
            : features:
            :     * Collection oriented storage: easy storage of object/JSON-style data
            :     * Dynamic queries
            :     * Full index support, including on inner objects and embedded arrays
            :     * Query profiling
            :     * Replication and fail-over support
            :     * Efficient storage of binary data including large objects (e.g. photos
            :     and videos)
            :     * Auto-sharding for cloud-level scalability (currently in early alpha)
            :     * Commercial Support Available
            : A key goal of MongoDB is to bridge the gap between key/value stores (which are
            : fast and highly scalable) and traditional RDBMS systems (which are deep in
            : functionality).
# yum install mongodb-server

# chkconfig mongod on

# service mongod start


# yum install mongodb