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部分 I. Redis


1. Redis 安装
1.1. CentOS 8 Stream
1.2. CentOS 7
1.3. CentOS 6
1.3.1. 主从同步
1.3.2. Sentinel
1.4. Ubuntu
1.5. Mac 安装 Redis
1.6. 源码编译安装
1.8. Test Redis
2. /etc/redis.conf
2.1. 密码认证
2.2. maxmemory-policy TTL 过期策略配置
3. redis-cli - Command-line client to redis-server
3.1. 命令参数
3.1.1. password
3.1.2. raw
3.2. --latency Enter a special mode continuously sampling latency.
3.3. 清空指定数据库
3.4. auth
3.6. info
3.7. save/bgsave/lastsave
3.8. config
3.9. keys
3.10. 字符串操作
3.10.1. set/get/del
3.10.2. setnx
3.11. expire/ttl
3.12. 获取 key 类型
3.13. LIST 数据类型
3.14. set 无序字符集合
3.14.1. 查看元素是否存在
3.15. zset (有序集合)
3.16. HASH
3.17. Pub/Sub 订阅与发布
3.18. flushdb 清空 Redis 数据
4. redis-benchmark 测试工具
5. Redis Cluster
6. Redis 通信协议
6.1. 切换DB
6.2. 监控
7. Redis 开发
7.1. 消息订阅与发布
7.2. 选择数据库
8. 工具
8.1. 导出 / 导入
8.2. phpRedisAdmin
8.3. A fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis
9. FAQ
9.1. 清空数据库
9.2. (error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots
9.3. You can't write against a read only replica.
9.4. MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it's currently unable to persist to disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled, because this instance is configured to report errors during writes if RDB snapshotting fails (stop-writes-on-bgsave-error option). Please check the Redis logs for details about the RDB error.
