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3.3. texttable - module for creating simple ASCII tables


pip install texttable


from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
table.add_rows([["Name", "Age", "Nickname"],
                ["Neo", 35, "netkiller"],
                ["李磊", 23, "Lee"],
                ["韩美美", 28, "May"]])

|  Name  | Age | Nickname  |
| Neo    |  35 | netkiller |
| 李磊   |  23 |    Lee    |
| 韩美美 |  28 |    May    |

3.3.1. 对齐设置

set_header_align(self, array) 设置水平对齐

  • l 表示左对齐
  • r 表示右对齐
  • c 表示居中对齐

set_cols_align(self, array) 设置水平对齐

  • l 表示左对齐
  • r 表示右对齐
  • c 表示居中对齐

set_cols_valign(self, array) 设置垂直对齐

  • t 表示顶部对齐
  • m 表示中间对齐
  • b 表示底部对齐
from texttable import Texttable

table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "c"])
table.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"])
table.add_rows([["Name", "Age", "Nickname"],
                ["Mr\nXavier\nHuon", 32, "Xav'"],
                ["Mr\nBaptiste\nClement", 1, "Baby"],
                ["Mme\nLouise\nBourgeau", 28, "Lou\n\nLoue"]])


|   Name   | Age | Nickname |
| Mr       |     |          |
| Xavier   |  32 |          |
| Huon     |     |   Xav'   |
| Mr       |     |          |
| Baptiste |   1 |          |
| Clement  |     |   Baby   |
| Mme      |     |   Lou    |
| Louise   |  28 |          |
| Bourgeau |     |   Loue   |

3.3.2. 设置表格风格

from texttable import Texttable
table = Texttable()
for header in (Texttable.BORDER, Texttable.HEADER, Texttable.HLINES, Texttable.VLINES):

    table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "c"])
    table.set_cols_valign(["t", "m", "b"])
    table.add_rows([["Name", "Age", "Nickname"],
                    ["Neo", 35, "netkiller"],
                    ["李磊", 23, "Lee"],
                    ["韩美美", 28, "May"]])


|  Name    Age   Nickname  |
| Neo       35   netkiller |
| 李磊      23      Lee    |
| 韩美美    28      May    |

 Name    Age   Nickname 
Neo       35   netkiller
李磊      23      Lee   
韩美美    28      May   
Neo       35   netkiller
李磊      23      Lee   
韩美美    28      May   

 Name    Age   Nickname 
Neo       35   netkiller
李磊      23      Lee   
韩美美    28      May   
Neo       35   netkiller
李磊      23      Lee   
韩美美    28      May   
Neo       35   netkiller
李磊      23      Lee   
韩美美    28      May   

 Name  | Age | Nickname 
Neo    |  35 | netkiller
李磊   |  23 |    Lee   
韩美美 |  28 |    May   
Neo    |  35 | netkiller
李磊   |  23 |    Lee   
韩美美 |  28 |    May   
Neo    |  35 | netkiller
李磊   |  23 |    Lee   
韩美美 |  28 |    May   
Neo    |  35 | netkiller
李磊   |  23 |    Lee   
韩美美 |  28 |    May   			

3.3.3. 自定义风格


set_chars(self, array)
     |      Set the characters used to draw lines between rows and columns
     |      - the array should contain 4 fields:
     |          [horizontal, vertical, corner, header]
     |      - default is set to:
     |          ['-', '|', '+', '=']			

set_chars(self, array) 数字的四个参数分别是:

  • horizontal 水平画线字符
  • vertical 垂直画线字符
  • corner 转角画线字符
  • header 表头画线字符

默认是 ['-', '|', '+', '=']

下面这段代码模仿 MySQL 终端输出样式

table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_align(["r", "l", "c", "l", "l"])
table.set_cols_valign(["m", "m", "m", "m", "m"])
table.set_chars(['-', '|', '+', '-'])
table.set_cols_dtype(['i', 't', 'i', 't', 'a'])
table.add_rows([["id", "name", "age", "nickname", "ctime"],
                [1, "Neo", 35, "netkiller", "2021-05-16 10:14:00"],
                [2, "Tom", 23, "Lee", "2021-05-16 10:14:00"],
                [3, "Jerry", 28, "May", "2021-05-16 10:14:00"]])
| id | name  | age | nickname  |        ctime        |
|  1 | Neo   | 35  | netkiller | 2021-05-16 10:14:00 |
|  2 | Tom   | 23  | Lee       | 2021-05-16 10:14:00 |
|  3 | Jerry | 28  | May       | 2021-05-16 10:14:00 |

怎么样,似曾相识吧?跟 mysql 命令中输出结果一致。

3.3.4. 设置列数据类型

from texttable import Texttable
table = Texttable()
table.set_cols_dtype(['t',  # text
                      'f',  # float (decimal)
                      'e',  # float (exponent)
                      'i',  # integer
                      'a'])  # automatic
table.set_cols_align(["l", "r", "r", "r", "l"])
table.add_rows([["text",    "float", "exp", "int", "auto"],
                ["abcd",    "67",    654,   89,    128.001],
                ["efghijk", 67.5434, .654,  89.6,
                ["lmn",     5e-78,   5e-78, 89.4,  .000000000000128],
                ["opqrstu", .023,    5e+78, 92.,   12800000000000000000000]])


 text     float       exp      int     auto   
abcd      67.000   6.540e+02    89   128.001  
efghijk   67.543   6.540e-01    90   1.280e+22
lmn        0.000   5.000e-78    89   0.000    
opqrstu    0.023   5.000e+78    92   1.280e+22			

3.3.5. 彩色表格

texttable 本身不支持 ANSI 彩色文本输出,我以修复了该 Bug,已经想修复代码pull request 给作者。

Pull Request: https://github.com/foutaise/texttable/pull/75

我的代码库地址: https://github.com/netkiller/texttable

from texttable import Texttable
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style, init
table = Texttable()
table.set_chars(['-', '|', '+', '-'])
# table.set_cols_width([8, 5, 19])
table.add_rows([["Name", "Age", "Nickname"],
                ["Neo", 35, Fore.RED+"netkiller"+Fore.RESET],
                ["李磊", 23, Fore.GREEN+"Lee"+Fore.RESET],
                ["韩美美", 28, Fore.BLUE+"May"+Fore.RESET]])