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31.23. ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query

mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM netkiller.chain_info;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111)
Can't connect to the server


2021-11-19T09:25:15.833160Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-011906] [InnoDB] Database page corruption on disk or a failed file read of page [page id: space=1662, page number=1245]. You may have to recover from a backup.
 len 16384; hex 7f5d9c6e000004dd000004db000004de000000043ab8e71f45bf00000000000000000000067e000b3f37802c3af101593dab00050000007035102f2e294c23641dc117ee11b40b88055300637f5d9c6e3ab8e71f; asc:   ;
InnoDB: End of page dump
InnoDB: Page may be an index page where index id is 2840
2021-11-19T09:25:15.885824Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-013183] [InnoDB] Assertion failure: buf0lru.cc:2026:bpage->buf_fix_count == 0 thread 140289099208448
InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to http://bugs.mysql.com.
InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even
InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be
InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to
InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/forcing-innodb-recovery.html
InnoDB: about forcing recovery.
09:25:15 UTC - mysqld got signal 6 ;
Most likely, you have hit a bug, but this error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
Thread pointer: 0x0
Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
terribly wrong...
stack_bottom = 0 thread_stack 0x46000
/usr/libexec/mysqld(my_print_stacktrace(unsigned char const*, unsigned long)+0x41) [0x561905a584e1]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(handle_fatal_signal+0x313) [0x5619048651d3]
/lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x12c20) [0x7f97af67ac20]
/lib64/libc.so.6(gsignal+0x10f) [0x7f97acb0949f]
/lib64/libc.so.6(abort+0x127) [0x7f97acaf3db5]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(+0xddf6ab) [0x5619045886ab]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(+0x2616098) [0x561905dbf098]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(buf_LRU_free_one_page(buf_page_t*, bool, bool)+0x1e) [0x561905dc159e]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(buf_read_page_handle_error(buf_page_t*)+0x130) [0x561905d9f1b0]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(buf_page_io_complete(buf_page_t*, bool)+0xc83) [0x561905da0dc3]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(fil_aio_wait(unsigned long)+0x153) [0x561905e70f73]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(+0x25321d8) [0x561905cdb1d8]
/usr/libexec/mysqld(std::thread::_State_impl<std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<Runnable, void (*)(unsigned long), unsigned long> > >::_M_run()+0xaa) [0x561905cdb9aa]
/lib64/libstdc++.so.6(+0xc2ba3) [0x7f97ad4f3ba3]
/lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x817a) [0x7f97af67017a]
/lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x43) [0x7f97acbceee3]
The manual page at http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/crashing.html contains
information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.


echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches		


mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM netkiller.chain_info;
| count(*) |
|    41890 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)		

可能是虚拟内存中的数据出错导致。另外也可以尝试下面方法,在 my.cnf 中加入,我没有验证过,因为这种方式需要重启数据库才能生效。我的环境不允许重启,所以没有验证。

innodb_force_recovery = 1		

添加 innodb_force_recovery 可以恢复数据读取,但是不能修改,此时可以 dump 备份该表,然后 去掉 innodb_force_recovery 参数,再启动数据库,删除损坏的表,导入新表。