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7.4. section 节

	<title>Part I</title>
		<title>Chapter 1</title>
			<title>Section 1</title>

7.4.1. simplesect

simplesect 下面不能再有 section/sect1..3/simplesect

<article xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'>
	<title>Example simplesect</title>

		<title>Additional Coding</title>

		<para>Support for the additional features requested will be provided. </para>

			<title>Estimated Time</title>

			<para>2 to 3 weeks.</para>



Estimated Time

2 to 3 weeks.

7.4.2. bridgehead

<bridgehead renderas="sect3">Topic Heading</bridgehead>
<para>You can use the Bridgehead element to create a heading
between paragraphs, without creating a new section or

Topic Heading

You can use the Bridgehead element to create a heading between paragraphs, without creating a new section or sub-section.

7.4.3. sidebar

	<title>A Sidebar</title>
	Sidebar content.