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Netkiller Monitor 手札

Prometheus, Zibbix, Cacti, Nagios, Scanner, Sniffer and Audit...

Mr. Neo Chan, 陈景峯(BG7NYT)

+86 13113668890


电子书最近一次更新于 2023-05-09 21:10:52



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Netkiller 系列手札 已经被 Github 收录,并备份保存在北极地下250米深的代码库中,备份会保留1000年。

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The world is powered by open source software. It is a hidden cornerstone of modern civilization, and the shared heritage of all humanity.

The GitHub Arctic Code Vault is a data repository preserved in the Arctic World Archive (AWA), a very-long-term archival facility 250 meters deep in the permafrost of an Arctic mountain.

We are collaborating with the Bodleian Library in Oxford, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt, and Stanford Libraries in California to store copies of 17,000 of GitHub’s most popular and most-depended-upon projects—open source’s “greatest hits”—in their archives, in museum-quality cases, to preserve them for future generations.



1. 自述
1.1. 写给读者
1.2. 作者简介
1.3. 如何获得文档
1.4. 打赏(Donations)
1.5. 联系方式
1. Prometheus
1.1. 安装 Prometheus
1.1.1. Docker 安装
1.1.2. docker swarm
1.1.3. docker-compose
1.1.4. 防火墙设置
1.2. Prometheus 配置
1.2.1. Prometheus 命令行工具
1.2.2. rules 规则配置
1.2.3. SpringBoot
1.2.4. PromQL 自定义查询语言
1.3. Prometheus Exporter
1.3.1. 监控 Docker
1.3.2. node-exporter
1.3.3. cadvisor
1.3.4. Nginx Prometheus Exporter
1.3.5. Redis
1.3.6. MongoDB
1.3.7. MySQL
1.3.8. Blackbox Exporter(blackbox-exporter)
1.3.9. SNMP Exporter
1.4. Alertmanager
1.4.1. Docker 安装
1.4.2. alertmanager.yml 配置文件
1.4.3. 触发测试
1.4.4. 警报状态
1.5. Grafana
1.5.1. cadvisor
1.5.2. Docker - container summary (Prometheus)
2. Zabbix
2.1. Installing and Configuring Zabbix
2.1.1. Ubuntu
2.1.2. CentOS Zabbix 2.4
2.1.3. Zabbix 3.x CentOS 7
2.2. web ui
2.2.1. 警告脚本
2.3. zabbix-java-gateway - Zabbix java gateway
2.4. zabbix-agent
2.4.1. Ubuntu
2.4.2. CentOS 7
2.4.3. zabbix_agentd 命令
2.4.4. Nginx status 监控
2.4.5. redis
2.4.6. MongoDB
2.4.7. PHP-FPM
2.4.8. Elasticsearch
2.4.9. Postfix
2.4.10. TCP stats
2.4.11. 应用依赖检查
2.4.12. Oracle
3. 日志收集和分析
3.1. 系统日志
3.1.1. logwatch
3.1.2. logcheck : Analyzes log files and sends noticeable events as email
3.1.3. nulog
3.1.4. Web
3.1.5. Tomcat
3.1.6. Mail
3.1.7. OpenSSH 日志 /var/log/secure
3.1.8. rinetd.log
3.2. ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana
3.2.1. 安装
3.2.2. logstash 命令简单应用
3.2.3. 配置 logstash
3.2.4. Example
3.2.5. Beats
3.2.6. FAQ
3.3. Grafana + Loki + Promtail
3.3.1. Docker Compose
3.3.2. Helm
3.3.3. promtail
3.4. fluentd
3.4.1. Docker 安装
3.4.2. fluent-bit
3.4.3. temporarily failed to flush the buffer
3.5. Apache Flume
3.5.1. 安装 Apache flume
3.5.2. 基本配置
3.5.3. 配置 MySQL 存储日志
3.5.4. 配置 HDFS 存储日志
3.6. php-syslog-ng
3.7. Log Analyzer
3.8. Splunk
3.9. Octopussy
3.10. eventlog-to-syslog
3.11. graylog - Enterprise Log Management for All
4. 分布式链路追踪
4.1. Apache SkyWalking
4.2. Zipkin
5. 上一代监控系统
5.1. SMS
5.1.1. gnokii
5.1.2. AT Commands
5.2. IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
5.2.1. OpenIPMI
5.2.2. freeipmi
5.2.3. ipmitool - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices
5.3. Cacti
5.3.1. Install Cacti for Ubuntu
5.3.2. Yum 安装
5.3.3. Source Install
5.3.4. Web 安装
5.3.5. Cacti plugins
5.3.6. Template
5.4. Nagios
5.4.1. Install
5.4.2. nagios
5.4.3. nrpe node
5.4.4. 配置 Nagios
5.4.5. 配置监控设备
5.4.6. Nagios Plugins
5.4.7. FAQ
5.5. Munin
5.5.1. Ubuntu
5.5.2. CentOS
5.5.3. 用户认证
5.5.4. munin-node and plugins
5.5.5. munin.conf
5.5.6. munin-node
5.6. Observium
5.6.1. Installation
5.7. Ganglia
5.7.1. Server
5.7.2. Client
5.7.3. Plugin
5.7.4. Installing Ganglia on Centos
5.8. Varnish Dashboard
5.9. icinga
5.10. Graphite
5.10.1. Graphite - Scalable Realtime Graphing
5.12. Big Sister
5.13. OpenNMS
5.14. Performance Co-Pilot
5.15. Clumon Performance Monitor
5.16. Zenoss
5.17. 商业软件
5.18. Hyperic HQ
5.19. OSSIM,Spiceworks,FireGen,LANSweeper,OSSEC,HIDS
5.20. HawtIO
5.21. moloch
7. 网络监控
7.1. NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
7.1.1. 安装SNMP
7.1.2. 配置SNMP
7.1.3. SNMP 命令
7.1.4. Cisco MBI
7.2. Bandwidth
7.2.1. apt-get install
7.2.2. CentOS rpm/yum
7.2.3. source code
7.2.4. /etc/bandwidthd.conf
7.3. NetFlow
7.3.1. flow-tools - collects and processes NetFlow data
7.3.2. netams - Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
7.4. Ntop
7.4.1. Installation
7.4.2. Web UI
7.4.3. Plugins
7.5. MRTG
7.5.1. CentOS 8 Stream
7.5.2. Ubuntu 安装
7.5.3. CentOS 安装
7.5.4. 监控多个设备
7.5.5. 批量生成监控配置文件
7.5.6. 图片尺寸
7.6. lvs-rrd


2.1. zabbix-agent 配置实例
3.1. config.php
3.2. spring boot logback
3.3. Elasticsearch 索引切割示例
5.1. cacti config.php
7.1. mrtg