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10.4. python-mysqldb

$ apt-cache search python | grep mysql
python-mysqldb - A Python interface to MySQL
python-mysqldb-dbg - A Python interface to MySQL (debug extension)

$ sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb		
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-     
import time, MySQLdb    
cursor = conn.cursor() 
sql = "insert into user(name,created) values(%s,%s)"   
param = ("neo",int(time.time()))    
n = cursor.execute(sql,param) 
print n    
sql = "update user set name=%s where id=3"   
param = ("jam")    
n = cursor.execute(sql,param)    
print n
n = cursor.execute("select * from user")    
for row in cursor.fetchall():    
    for r in row:    
        print r    
sql = "delete from user where name=%s"   
param =("neo")    
n = cursor.execute(sql,param)    
print n    