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部分 IV. Spring Security


57. Springboot 3 + Security 6
57.1. Spring Security with HTTP Auth
57.1.1. 默认配置
57.1.2. 设置用户名和密码
57.1.3. 禁用 Security
57.1.4. 设置角色
57.2. Springboot 3 Security + OncePerRequestFilter
57.2.1. OncePerRequestFilter
57.2.2. SecurityConfiguration
57.3. SecurityFilterChain
57.4. @PreAuthorize
57.4.1. hasRole
57.4.2. hasAnyRole
57.4.3. 从 HttpServletRequest 返回的 request 变量中判断角色
57.4.4. getAuthentication() 获得角色
57.4.5. UserDetailsService
57.5. httpBasic 配置
58. Spring Authorization Server
58.1. Oauth2 协议
58.1.1. token
58.1.2. grant_type
58.1.3. 授权码授权模式(Authorization Code Grant)
58.1.4. 密码模式(Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant)
58.1.5. 客户端凭证模式(Client Credentials Grant)
58.1.6. 刷新 TOKEN 方式
58.2. Maven 依赖
58.3. Spring cloud with Oauth2
58.3.1. authorization_code
58.3.2. Spring boot with Oauth2 - Password
58.3.3. Spring boot with Oauth2 jwt
58.3.4. Spring boot with Oauth2 jwt 非对称证书
58.3.5. Apple iOS 访问 Oauth2
58.3.6. Oauth2 客户端
58.3.7. Android Oauth2 + Jwt example
58.3.8. RestTemplate 使用 HttpClient
58.3.9. 自签名证书信任问题
58.3.10. Principal
58.3.11. SecurityContextHolder 对象
58.3.12. 资源服务器配置
58.3.13. Client
58.3.14. Oauth2 常见问题
59. Spring boot with Spring security(2.x)
59.1. Spring security 静态配置例子
59.1.1. Maven
59.1.2. Reource
59.1.3. Application
59.1.4. WebSecurityConfigurer
59.1.5. RestController
59.1.6. 测试
59.2. Spring + Security + MongoDB
59.2.1. Account
59.2.2. AccountRepository
59.2.3. WebSecurityConfiguration
59.3. Spring Boot with Web Security(2.x)
59.3.1. EnableWebSecurity
59.3.2. Web静态资源
59.3.3. 正则匹配
59.3.4. 登陆页面,失败页面,登陆中页面
59.3.5. CORS
59.3.6. X-Frame-Options 安全
59.4. 访问控制列表(Access Control List,ACL)
59.4.1. antMatchers
59.4.2. HTTP Auth
59.4.3. Rest
59.4.4. hasRole
59.4.5. hasAnyRole()
59.4.6. withUser