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第 6 章 book 书 / article 文章


6.1. info
6.1.1. affiliation
6.1.2. address 地址
6.1.3. reference 参考信息
6.1.4. author 作者
6.1.5. 出版信息
6.1.6. copyright 版权
6.1.7. keyword
6.1.8. abstract 摘要
6.1.9. legalnotice 法律声明
6.1.10. cover 书籍封面图
6.2. toc 自定义目录
6.3. topic
6.4. dedication 感谢
6.5. preface 序言
6.6. appendix 附录

6.1. info

bookinfo / articleinfo

6.1.1. affiliation

    <jobtitle>Senior LAMP Engineer</jobtitle>
    <orgname>ArborText, Inc.</orgname>
    <orgdiv>Application Developement</orgdiv>

6.1.2. address 地址

  <street>162 Guelph Street</street>
  <postcode>L7G 5X7</postcode>
  <fax>(905) 702-7851</fax>

6.1.3. reference 参考信息

(The content here is shown in the Reference Entries appendix.)

6.1.4. author 作者

	  		<orgname>Netherlabs BV</orgname>

		<collabname>Thomas Graf (Section Author)</collabname>
</authorgroup> contrib


<!DOCTYPE author PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
  <othername role='mi'>D</othername>
    <jobtitle>Senior Application Analyst</jobtitle>
    <orgname>ArborText, Inc.</orgname>
    <orgdiv>Application Developement</orgdiv>

<!DOCTYPE authorgroup PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">
      <shortaffil>Director, M. Behn School of Coop. Eng.</shortaffil>
      <jobtitle>Director of Cooperative Efforts</jobtitle>
      <orgname>The Marguerite Behn International School of
               Cooperative Engineering</orgname>

      Peter's a super hero in his spare time.

<article xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'>
  <title>Example othercredit</title>
    <contrib>Extensive review and rough drafts of Section 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5


<!DOCTYPE articleinfo PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
  <title>Something Snappy</title>
    <contrib>Extensive review and rough drafts of Section 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5

6.1.5. 出版信息 出版者

<publisher>                      <!-- 出版者 -->
    <publishername>XXXXXX有限公司</publishername>  <!-- 出版機構名稱 -->
        <phone>+86 755 xxxxxxxx</phone>
        <fax>+86 755 xxxxxxxx</fax>

   June 2000: First Printed Edition.

	<edition>User's Guide version 1.0 for DocBook V3.0</edition>
    <isbn>ISBN xx-xxxxxx-x-x</isbn>
	<revhistory>                     	<!-- 出版紀錄,可以有很多版本。 -->
		<revision>                     	<!-- 某一版本 -->
			<revnumber>1.0.0</revnumber> <!-- 版本編號 -->
			<date>2006-11-14</date>  	<!-- 發佈出版日期 -->
			<authorinitials></authorinitials>  <!-- 作者簡稱識別 -->
			<revremark></revremark>  	<!-- 版本發佈簡述 -->

6.1.6. copyright 版权

		<holder>Netkiller(Neo Chan). All rights reserved.</holder>

6.1.7. keyword

	    <keyword>Getting started</keyword>

6.1.8. abstract 摘要


6.1.9. legalnotice 法律声明


6.1.10. cover 书籍封面图

<book xmlns='http://docbook.org/ns/docbook'>
  <subtitle>The Definitive Guide</subtitle>
  <biblioid class="isbn">978-0-596-8050-2-9</biblioid>
    <publishername>O'Reilly Media, Inc.</publishername>
    <holder>Norman Walsh, All rights reserved.</holder>
  <releaseinfo>Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.,
101 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472.</releaseinfo>
      <firstname>Richard L.</firstname>
      <date>March 2010</date>
      <revremark>Second Edition.</revremark>
      <date>October 1999</date>
      <revremark>First Edition.</revremark>
    <para>Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the…</para>
    <para>Many of the designations used by manufacturers…</para>
    <para>While every precaution has been taken in the preparation…</para>
    <para role="tagline">The Official Documentation for DocBook</para>
	<imagedata fileref="graphics/duck-cover.png">
	      <orgname>O'Reilly Media</orgname>
	      <orgname>Dover Archives</orgname>
	<imagedata fileref="graphics/duck-backcover.png"/>
    <para>DocBook is a system for writing structured documents using…</para>
    <para><citetitle>DocBook: The Definitive Guide</citetitle> is the…</para>
	<para>A brief introduction to  …</para>
	<para>A guide to creating documents with the DocBook schema…</para>
    <para>In an era of collaborative creation of technology, …</para>
      <title>Norman Walsh</title>
      <para>is a …</para>


<para>DocBook provides a system …</para>

<!-- … -->
