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13.3. xreflabel / xref

<para  id="ChooseSCSIid"  xreflabel="choosing a SCSI id">The methods
for choosing a <acronym>SCSI</acronym> id are ...
See the paragraph on <xref  linkend="ChooseSCSIid"/>.
<para  id="ChooseSCSIid"  >The methods
for <phrase  id="SCSIxref">choosing a <acronym>SCSI</acronym> id</phrase>
are ...
See the paragraph on <xref  linkend="ChooseSCSIid"  endterm="SCSIxref"/>.

<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
	<title>An Example Book</title>
<chapter id="ch01">
	<title>XRef Samples</title>
	<para>This paragraph demonstrates several features of<sgmltag>XRef</sgmltag>.</para>
		<listitem><para>A straight link generates the cross-reference text: <xref linkend="ch02"/>.</para></listitem>
		<listitem><para>A link to an element with an <sgmltag class="attribute">XRefLabel</sgmltag>:<xref linkend="ch03"/>.</para></listitem>
		<listitem><para>A link with an<sgmltag class="attribute">EndTerm</sgmltag>:<xref linkend="ch04" endterm="ch04short"/>.</para></listitem>

<chapter id="ch02">
  <title>The Second Chapter</title>
  <para>Some content here</para>

<chapter id="ch03" xreflabel="Chapter the Third">
  <title>The Third Chapter</title>
  <para>Some content here</para>

<chapter id="ch04">
  <title>The Fourth Chapter</title>
  <titleabbrev id="ch04short">Chapter 4</titleabbrev>
  <para>Some content here</para>