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部分 XV. Configuration Management(配置管理)



129. Ansible - SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
129.1. install
129.2. Getting Started
129.3. ansible - run a command somewhere else
129.3.1. host-pattern
129.3.2. -a MODULE_ARGS, --args=MODULE_ARGS module arguments
129.3.3. -i INVENTORY, --inventory-file=INVENTORY specify inventory host file (default=/etc/ansible/hosts)
129.3.4. -m MODULE_NAME, --module-name=MODULE_NAME module name to execute (default=command)
129.3.5. -s, --sudo run operations with sudo (nopasswd)
129.3.6. -u REMOTE_USER, --user=REMOTE_USER connect as this user (default=root)
129.3.7. 使用实例
129.4. ansible-doc - Show Ansible module documentation
129.5. ansible-playbook - run an ansible playbook
129.5.1. 包含文件用法
130. Capistrano
131. Puppet
131.1. Installing Puppet CentOS 6.3
131.2. Puppet 签名
131.2.1. Agent 节点
131.2.2. Master 服务器
131.3. test
131.3.1. Master
131.3.2. Agent
131.4. 配置文件
131.4.1. /etc/sysconfig/puppet
131.4.2. /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf
131.5. manifests
131.5.1. node
131.5.2. group, user 用户组管理
131.5.3. file
131.5.4. package
131.5.5. service
131.5.6. exec
131.5.7. cron
131.6. modules
131.7. firewall 配置
131.8. debug
131.8.1. master
131.8.2. node
131.9. FAQ
131.9.1. err: Could not request certificate: No route to host - connect(2)
131.9.2. No help available unless you have RDoc::usage installed
132. SaltStack
132.1. 安装 Salt Stack
132.1.1. 服务端安装
132.1.2. 客户端安装
132.1.3. 防火墙配置
132.1.4. key 管理
132.1.5. 测试
132.1.6. Demo
132.2. salt-key - Salt key is used to manage Salt authentication keys
132.3. salt 命令
132.3.1. cmd
132.3.2. pkg.install
132.3.3. network.interfaces
132.3.4. salt example
132.4. /etc/salt/master
132.4.1. File Server settings
132.4.2. Pillar settings
132.4.3. Node Groups
132.4.4. File Server Backend
132.5. sls 脚本
132.5.1. pkg
132.5.2. service
132.6. FAQ
132.6.1. Git fileserver backend is enabled in configuration but could not be loaded, is git-python installed
133. Chef
133.1. 安装 Chef
133.1.1. CentOS
134. Cobbler
135. Cfengine
136. func
137. (R)?ex Deployment & Configuration Management
138. 基于Web的系统管理软件
138.1. Webmin
138.1.1. webalizer
138.2. ajenti

表 8. 表格标题

ansible一般PythonServer 结构无需 clientRedhat 开发