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部分 XVI. 图形工具(Graphics)


139. Gnuplot
139.1. 安装 Gnuplot
139.1.1. CentOS 环境
139.1.2. Ubuntu 环境
139.1.3. 测试 Gnuplot 是否可用
139.2. terminal
139.3. output
139.4. title/xlabel/ylabel
139.5. xrange/yrange
139.5.1. 时间轴范围
139.5.2. 日期轴范围
139.6. xdata
139.6.1. Date/Time
139.7. plot
139.7.1. using
139.8. PHPlot
139.9. FAQ
139.9.1. Could not find/open font when opening font "arial", using internal non-scalable font
139.9.2. 变量传递
140. Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software
140.1. Installation
140.1.1. Apt-get
140.1.2. Yum
140.2. The DOT Language
140.2.1. dot
140.2.2. twopi
140.2.3. gprof
140.3. Node, Edge and Graph Attributes
140.3.1. Color Names
140.3.2. Node Shapes
140.3.3. 箭头
140.4. Example
140.4.1. E-R
140.4.2. Network
140.4.3. workflow
141. RRDTool
141.1. install
141.2. rrdtool demo example
141.3. title
141.4. start / end
141.5. height / width
141.6. upper-limit / lower-limit
141.7. vertical-label
141.8. Data Source
141.9. Round Robin Archives
141.10. AREA, LINE and STACK
141.10.1. LINE
141.10.2. AREA
141.10.3. STACK
141.10.4. GPRINT
141.11. Example
141.11.1. Memory
141.11.2. example 1
141.11.3. example 1
142. OpenBR
143. OCR - Optical Character Recognition
143.1. Tesseract
143.2. cuneiform - multi-language OCR system
144. Open-Source tool in Java to draw UML Diagram
145. Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language
145.1. UML
146. MetaPost
147. OpenStreetMap
147.1. OpenLayers
147.2. Leaflet
148. Baidu Map
148.1. BMap.Circle