部分 VII. Monitoring
部分 VII. Monitoring
Network Management Software & Network Monitoring
68. Prometheus
68.1. 安装 Prometheus
68.1.1. Docker 安装
68.1.2. docker swarm
68.1.3. docker-compose
68.1.4. 防火墙设置
68.2. Prometheus 配置
68.2.1. Prometheus 命令行工具
68.2.2. rules 规则配置
68.2.3. SpringBoot
68.2.4. PromQL 自定义查询语言
68.3. Prometheus Exporter
68.3.1. 监控 Docker
68.3.2. node-exporter
68.3.3. cadvisor
68.3.4. Nginx Prometheus Exporter
68.3.5. Redis
68.3.6. MongoDB
68.3.7. MySQL
68.3.8. Blackbox Exporter(blackbox-exporter)
68.3.9. SNMP Exporter
68.4. Alertmanager
68.4.1. Docker 安装
68.4.2. alertmanager.yml 配置文件
68.4.3. 触发测试
68.4.4. 警报状态
68.5. Grafana
68.5.1. cadvisor
68.5.2. Docker - container summary (Prometheus)
69. Zabbix
69.1. Installing and Configuring Zabbix
69.1.1. Ubuntu
69.1.2. CentOS Zabbix 2.4
69.1.3. Zabbix 3.x CentOS 7
69.2. web ui
69.2.1. 警告脚本
69.3. zabbix-java-gateway - Zabbix java gateway
69.4. zabbix-agent
69.4.1. Ubuntu
69.4.2. CentOS 7
69.4.3. zabbix_agentd 命令
69.4.4. Nginx status 监控
69.4.5. redis
69.4.6. MongoDB
69.4.7. PHP-FPM
69.4.8. Elasticsearch
69.4.9. Postfix
69.4.10. TCP stats
69.4.11. 应用依赖检查
69.4.12. Oracle
70. 日志收集和分析
70.1. 系统日志
70.1.1. logwatch
70.1.2. logcheck : Analyzes log files and sends noticeable events as email
70.1.3. nulog
70.1.4. Web
70.1.5. Tomcat
70.1.6. Mail
70.1.7. OpenSSH 日志 /var/log/secure
70.1.8. rinetd.log
70.2. ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana
70.2.1. 安装
70.2.2. logstash 命令简单应用
70.2.3. 配置 logstash
70.2.4. Example
70.2.5. Beats
70.2.6. FAQ
70.3. Grafana + Loki + Promtail
70.3.1. Docker Compose
70.3.2. Helm
70.3.3. promtail
70.4. fluentd
70.4.1. Docker 安装
70.4.2. fluent-bit
70.4.3. temporarily failed to flush the buffer
70.5. Apache Flume
70.5.1. 安装 Apache flume
70.5.2. 基本配置
70.5.3. 配置 MySQL 存储日志
70.5.4. 配置 HDFS 存储日志
70.6. php-syslog-ng
70.7. Log Analyzer
70.8. Splunk
70.9. Octopussy
70.10. eventlog-to-syslog
70.11. graylog - Enterprise Log Management for All
71. 分布式链路追踪
71.1. Apache SkyWalking
71.2. Zipkin
72. 上一代监控系统
72.1. SMS
72.1.1. gnokii
72.1.2. AT Commands
72.2. IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
72.2.1. OpenIPMI
72.2.2. freeipmi
72.2.3. ipmitool - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices
72.3. Cacti
72.3.1. Install Cacti for Ubuntu
72.3.2. Yum 安装
72.3.3. Source Install
72.3.4. Web 安装
72.3.5. Cacti plugins
72.3.6. Template
72.4. Nagios
72.4.1. Install
72.4.2. nagios
72.4.3. nrpe node
72.4.4. 配置 Nagios
72.4.5. 配置监控设备
72.4.6. Nagios Plugins
72.4.7. FAQ
72.5. Munin
72.5.1. Ubuntu
72.5.2. CentOS
72.5.3. 用户认证
72.5.4. munin-node and plugins
72.5.5. munin.conf
72.5.6. munin-node
72.6. Observium
72.6.1. Installation
72.7. Ganglia
72.7.1. Server
72.7.2. Client
72.7.3. Plugin
72.7.4. Installing Ganglia on Centos
72.8. Varnish Dashboard
72.9. icinga
72.10. Graphite
72.10.1. Graphite - Scalable Realtime Graphing
72.12. Big Sister
72.13. OpenNMS
72.14. Performance Co-Pilot
72.15. Clumon Performance Monitor
72.16. Zenoss
72.17. 商业软件
72.18. Hyperic HQ
72.19. OSSIM,Spiceworks,FireGen,LANSweeper,OSSEC,HIDS
72.20. HawtIO
72.21. moloch
74. 网络监控
74.1. NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
74.1.1. 安装SNMP
74.1.2. 配置SNMP
74.1.3. SNMP 命令
74.1.4. Cisco MBI
74.2. Bandwidth
74.2.1. apt-get install
74.2.2. CentOS rpm/yum
74.2.3. source code
74.2.4. /etc/bandwidthd.conf
74.3. NetFlow
74.3.1. flow-tools - collects and processes NetFlow data
74.3.2. netams - Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
74.4. Ntop
74.4.1. Installation
74.4.2. Web UI
74.4.3. Plugins
74.5. MRTG
74.5.1. CentOS 8 Stream
74.5.2. Ubuntu 安装
74.5.3. CentOS 安装
74.5.4. 监控多个设备
74.5.5. 批量生成监控配置文件
74.5.6. 图片尺寸
74.6. lvs-rrd