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14.3. 访问权限

Access Permissions

14.3.1. umask

[root@development ~]# umask
[root@development ~]# umask -S


umask 002

14.3.2. chown - change file owner and group

chown - change file owner and group

[root@test ~]# touch test
[root@test ~]# adduser neo
[root@test ~]# chown neo test
[root@test ~]# ll test
-rw-r--r-- 1 neo root 0 Apr 19 18:15 test

14.3.3. chgrp - change group ownership

chgrp - change group ownership

# chgrp daemon -R *

# ll
drwxrwxr-x  3 neo  daemon      4096 Apr 16 18:23 user 		

14.3.4. chmod - change file access permissions


u = user
g = group
o = other
a = all

r = 4
w = 2	
x = 1
[root@test ~]# ll test
-rwxr--r-- 1 neo root 0 Apr 19 18:15 test
[root@test ~]# chmod g=x test
[root@test ~]# ll test
-rwx--xr-- 1 neo root 0 Apr 19 18:15 test
[root@test ~]# chmod go+w test
[root@test ~]# ll test
-rwx-wxrw- 1 neo root 0 Apr 19 18:15 test
[root@test ~]# chmod u-wx test
[root@test ~]# ll test
-r---wxrw- 1 neo root 0 Apr 19 18:15 test
[root@test ~]# chmod u=rwx test
[root@test ~]# ll test
-rwx-wxrw- 1 neo root 0 Apr 19 18:15 test
[root@test ~]# chmod a=rwx test
[root@test ~]# ll test
-rwxrwxrwx 1 neo root 0 Apr 19 18:15 test