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124.2. TUTOS

TUTOS is a tool to manage the organizational needs of small groups, teams, departments ...


过程 124.1. TUTOS

  1. extract

    					tar jxvf TUTOS-php-1.3.20070317.tar.bz2
    					sudo mv tutos /www/htdocs/
  2. database

    					netkiller@shenzhen:/www/htdocs/tutos$ mysqladmin -uroot -p create tutos
    					netkiller@shenzhen:/www/htdocs/tutos$ mysql -uroot -p
    					Enter password:
    					Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
    					Your MySQL connection id is 846
    					Server version: 5.0.45 Source distribution
    					Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
    					mysql> grant all on tutos.* to tutos@% identified by "chen";
    					Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)
    					mysql> grant all on tutos.* to tutos@localhost identified by "chen";
    					OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    					mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
    					Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    					mysql> quit
    					netkiller@shenzhen:/www/htdocs/tutos$ mysqladmin -uroot -p reload
  3. config

    					mkdir /www/htdocs/tutos/repository


    					cp config_default.pinc config.php

    # remove this line when finsihed with config
    $tutos['CCSID'] = "10880f50567242006bf2c1a2c0b8b350";
    # sessionpath
    $tutos[sessionpath] = "/tmp";
    # the next lines are a database definition
    $tutos[dbname][0]     = "tutos";
    $tutos[dbhost][0]     = "localhost";
    $tutos[dbport][0]     = "5432";
    $tutos[dbuser][0]     = "tutos";
    $tutos[dbpasswd][0]   = "chen";
    $tutos[dbtype][0]     = "2";
    $tutos[dbalias][0]    = "Mysql database";
    $tutos[cryptpw][0]    = "";
    $tutos[repository][0] = "repository";
    $tutos[dbprefix][0]   = "";
    # MAIL
    $tutos[mailmode] = "2";
    $tutos[sendmail] = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
    $tutos[smtphost] = "localhost";
    # demo mode
    $tutos[demo] = 0;
    # debug mode
    $tutos[debug] = 0;
    $tutos[errlog] = "/tmp/debug.out";
    $tutos[jpgraph] = "/www/htdocs/tutos/php/admin/jpgraph";
    # EOF

    sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl

  4. login

    User: superuser Password: tutos