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部分 IV. Web Application


34. Nginx
34.1. Installing
34.1.1. Netkiller OSCM 一键安装 (CentOS 7)
34.1.2. Installing by apt-get under the debain/ubuntu
34.1.3. CentOS
34.1.4. installing by source
34.1.5. CentOS 7
34.1.6. Mac
34.1.7. rotate log
34.2. Nginx 命令
34.2.1. -V show version and configure options then exit
34.2.2. -t : test configuration and exit
34.2.3. test configuration, dump it and exit
34.3. nginx.conf 配置文件
34.3.1. 处理器配置
34.3.2. events 配置
34.3.3. Nginx 变量
34.4. http 配置
34.4.1. 缓冲区相关设置
34.4.2. 超时设置
34.4.3. gzip
34.4.4. server_tokens
34.4.5. ssi
34.4.6. DNS 解析
34.4.7. rewrite
34.5. server
34.5.1. listen
34.5.2. server_name 配置
34.5.3. location
34.5.4. root 通过$host智能匹配目录
34.5.5. alias
34.5.6. try_files
34.5.7. SSL 虚拟主机
34.5.8. HTTP2 配置 SSL证书
34.5.9. expires
34.5.10. access
34.5.11. autoindex
34.5.12. return
34.5.13. add_header
34.5.14. client_max_body_size 上传文件尺寸限制
34.6. upstream 负载均衡
34.6.1. weight 权重配置
34.6.2. backup 实现热备
34.7. Proxy
34.7.1. proxy_cache
34.7.2. rewrite + proxy_pass
34.7.3. request_filename + proxy_pass
34.7.4. $request_uri 与 proxy_pass 联合使用
34.7.5. try_files 与 proxy_pass 共用
34.7.6. Proxy 与 SSI
34.7.7. Host
34.7.8. expires
34.7.9. X-Forwarded-For
34.7.10. X-Sendfile
34.7.11. proxy_http_version
34.7.12. proxy_set_header
34.7.13. 隐藏头部信息
34.7.14. 忽略头
34.7.15. proxy_pass_request_headers 透传 Header
34.7.16. timeout 超时时间
34.7.17. sub_filter 文本替换
34.7.18. 站外代理
34.7.19. example
34.7.20. HTTP Auth 认证冲突
34.8. fastcgi
34.8.1. spawn-fcgi
34.8.2. php-fpm
34.9. 单域名虚拟主机
34.10. Nginx module
34.10.1. stub_status 服务器状态采集模块
34.10.2. sub_filter 页面中查找和替换
34.10.3. auth_basic HTTP 认证模块
34.10.4. valid_referers
34.10.5. ngx_http_flv_module
34.10.6. ngx_http_mp4_module
34.10.7. limit_zone
34.10.8. image_filter
34.10.9. ngx_stream_proxy_module
34.10.10. ngx_http_mirror_module
34.10.11. limit_except
34.10.12. geoip_country_code
34.11. Example
34.11.1. Nginx + Tomcat
34.11.2. 拦截index.html
34.11.3. Session 的 Cookie 域处理
34.12. FAQ
34.12.1. 405 Not Allowed?
34.12.2. 413 Request Entity Too Large
34.12.3. 499 Client Closed Request
34.12.4. 502 Bad Gateway?
34.12.5. 504 Gateway Time-out
34.12.6. proxy_pass
34.12.7. proxy_pass SESSION 丢失问题
34.12.8. [alert] 55785#0: *11449 socket() failed (24: Too many open files) while connecting to upstream
34.12.9. server_name 与 SSI 注意事项
34.12.10. location 跨 document_root 引用,引用 document_root 之外的资源
34.12.11. nginx: [warn] duplicate MIME type "text/html" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
34.12.12. failed
34.12.13. failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream
34.12.14. upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream
34.12.15. 很目录 index.html 正常访问,其他文件都是 404
34.12.16. nginx: [warn] the "listen ... http2" directive is deprecated, use the "http2" directive instead
35. Openresty
35.1. 安装 Openresty
35.1.1. 源码安装
35.2. Openresty 开发
35.2.1. Hello world!!!
35.2.2. 日期和时间
35.2.3. 数据结构
35.2.4. echo 输出
35.2.5. 参数处理
35.2.6. Nginx 变量
35.2.7. Json
35.2.8. Redis
35.2.9. Nginx 缓存
35.2.10. logs
35.3. 实现灰度发布
35.4. Redis
36. Caddy
36.1. 安装 Caddy
36.1.1. CentOS/Rocky Linux/AlmiLinux
36.2. 命令行
36.2.1. 启动 Caddy
36.2.2. 文件服务器
36.3. /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
36.3.1. 监听地址
36.3.2. 反向代理
36.3.3. Let's Encrypt 免费 SSL 证书
36.3.4. 返回内容
37. Apache Tomcat
37.1. Tomcat 安装与配置
37.1.1. Tomcat 6
37.1.2. Tomcat 7
37.1.3. Java 8 + Tomcat 8
37.1.4. Tomcat 9/10
37.1.5. 防火墙配置
37.1.6. 同时运行多实例
37.1.7. Testing file
37.1.8. mod_jk
37.1.9. mod_proxy_ajp
37.1.10. RewriteEngine 连接 Tomcat
37.1.11. SSL 双向认证
37.2. 配置 Tomcat 服务器
37.2.1. server.xml
37.2.2. tomcat-users.xml
37.2.3. context.xml
37.2.4. logging.properties
37.2.5. catalina.properties
37.3. 虚拟主机配置
37.3.1. 方案一
37.3.2. 方案二
37.3.3. Alias 别名
37.3.4. access_log
37.3.5. Context 配置
37.3.6. 主机绑定IP地址
37.4. SSI
37.5. Logging 日志
37.5.1. 开启 debug 模式
37.5.2. 切割 catalina.out 日志
37.6. Init.d Script
37.6.1. Script 1
37.6.2. Shell Script 2
38. Apache httpd
38.1. Install
38.1.1. Quick install apache with aptitude
38.1.2. CentOS 6
38.1.3. Compile and then install Apache
38.1.4. XAMPP
38.2. Module
38.2.1. Output a list of modules compiled into the server.
38.2.2. Core
38.2.3. mpm
38.2.4. Apache Log
38.2.5. mod_access
38.2.6. VirtualHost
38.2.7. Alias / AliasMatch
38.2.8. Redirect / RedirectMatch
38.2.9. Rewrite
38.2.10. Proxy
38.2.11. Deflate
38.2.12. Expires
38.2.13. Cache
38.2.14. usertrack
38.2.15. Charset
38.2.16. Dir
38.2.17. Includes
38.2.18. Apache Status
38.2.19. Mod Perl
38.2.20. mod_pagespeed -
38.2.21. Module FAQ
38.2.22. mod_setenvif
38.2.23. PHP 程序安全问题 php_admin_value
38.2.24. mod_spdy
38.3. 设置Apache实现防盗连
38.4. .htaccess
38.5. Error Prompt
38.5.1. Invalid command 'Order', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
38.5.2. Invalid command 'AuthUserFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
39. Lighttpd
39.1. 安装Lighttpd
39.1.1. quick install with aptitude
39.1.2. yum install
39.1.3. to compile and then install lighttpd
39.2. /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
39.2.1. max-worker / max-fds
39.2.2. accesslog.filename
39.2.3. ETags
39.2.4. server.tag
39.3. Module
39.3.1. simple_vhost
39.3.2. ssl
39.3.3. redirect
39.3.4. rewrite
39.3.5. alias
39.3.6. auth
39.3.7. compress
39.3.8. expire
39.3.9. status
39.3.10. setenv
39.3.11. fastcgi
39.3.12. user-agent
39.3.13. spdy
39.4. 其他模块
39.4.1. mod_secdownload 防盗链
39.5. Example
39.5.1. s-maxage
40. Resin
40.1. 安装Resin
40.1.1. 直接使用
40.1.2. Debian/Ubuntu
40.1.3. 源码安装Resin
40.2. Compiling mod_caucho.so
40.3. resin.conf
40.3.1. Maximum number of threads
40.3.2. Configures the keepalive
40.3.3. ssl
40.4. virtual hosts
40.4.1. explicit host
40.4.2. regexp host
40.4.3. host-alias
40.4.4. configures a deployment directory for virtual hosts
40.4.5. Resources
40.5. FAQ
40.5.1. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
41. Application Server
41.1. Zope
41.2. JBoss - JBoss Enterprise Middleware
42. Web Server Optimization
42.1. ulimit
42.1.1. open files
42.2. khttpd
42.3. php.ini
42.3.1. Resource Limits
42.3.2. File Uploads
42.3.3. Session Shared
42.3.4. PATHINFO
42.4. APC Cache (php-apc - APC (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 5)
42.5. Zend Optimizer
42.6. eaccelerator
43. varnish - a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator
43.1. Varnish Install
43.2. varnish utility
43.2.1. status
43.2.2. varnishadm
43.2.3. varnishtop
43.2.4. varnishhist
43.2.5. varnishsizes
43.3. log file
43.4. Varnish Configuration Language - VCL
43.4.1. unset / set
43.5. example
44. Apache Traffic Server
44.1. Install
44.2. Configure
45. Cherokee
45.1. Installing Cherokee
46. Jetty
47. Other Web Server
47.1. Python SimpleHTTPServer
48. web 服务器排名
48.1. HTTP状态码
49. Let's Encrypt's 免费SSL证书
49.1. 安装 certbot 工具
49.2. 生成证书,HTTP 文件认证
49.3. 手工生成证书,基于 DNS 认证
49.4. 证书更新
49.5. Chrome