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第 2 章 TRAC


2.1. Ubuntu 安装
2.1.1. source code
2.1.2. easy_install
2.1.3. Apache httpd
2.2. CentOS 安装
2.2.1. trac.ini
2.2.2. standalone
2.2.3. Using Authentication
2.2.4. trac-admin Permissions Resync
2.3. Project Environment
2.3.1. Sqlite
2.3.2. MySQL
2.3.3. Plugin AccountManagerPlugin Subtickets
2.4. trac.ini
2.4.1. repository
2.4.2. attachment 附件配置
2.5. trac-admin
2.5.1. adduser script
2.6. Trac 项目管理
2.6.1. Administration General Ticket System Version Control
2.6.2. Wiki
2.6.3. Timeline
2.6.4. Roadmap
2.6.5. Ticket
2.7. FAQ
2.7.1. TracError: Cannot load Python bindings for MySQL
2.8. Apache Bloodhound


2.1. Ubuntu 安装

2.1.1. source code

过程 2.1. TRAC - source

  1. setup.py

    wget http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py
    python ez_setup.py
  2. Trac

    wget http://download.edgewall.org/trac/Trac-1.1.1.tar.gz
    tar zxvf Trac-1.1.1.tar.gz
    cd Trac-1.1.1
    sudo python ./setup.py install
    cd ..

2.1.2. easy_install

过程 2.2. TRAC - easy_install

  1. easy_install

    $ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
  2. Installing Trac

    sudo easy_install Pygments
    sudo easy_install Genshi
    sudo easy_install Trac


    sudo apt-get install python-clearsilver

    python svn

     sudo apt-get install python-svn python-svn-dbg

    create svn repos

    $ svnadmin create /home/netkiller/repos

2.1.3. Apache httpd

# cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/trac.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>
  # Change this to the domain which points to your host, i.e. the domain
  # you set as "phabricator.base-uri".
  ServerName trac.repo

  <Location />
    SetHandler mod_python
    PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
    PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
    PythonOption TracEnv /gitroot/trac/default
    PythonOption TracUriRoot /
# Replace all occurrences of /srv/trac with your trac root below
# and uncomment the respective SetEnv and PythonOption directives.
#  <LocationMatch /cgi-bin/trac\.f?cgi>
#	SetEnv TRAC_ENV /srv/trac
#  </LocationMatch>
#  <IfModule mod_python.c>
#    <Location /cgi-bin/trac.cgi>
#      SetHandler mod_python
#      PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
#      #PythonOption TracEnv /srv/trac
#    </Location>
#  </IfModule>