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第 120 章 持续集成工具


120.1. Code Review
120.1.1. Phabricator - an open source, software engineering platform
120.1.2. Gerrit
120.1.3. TeamCity
120.2. Nexus Repository OSS
120.2.1. 安装 Nexus
120.2.2. Nexus UI
120.2.3. maven 设置
120.2.4. Node.js
120.2.5. Ruby

120.1. Code Review

120.1.1. Phabricator - an open source, software engineering platform

Phabricator is a collection of open source web applications that help software companies build better software.

Phabricator 是 Facebook 开源的Code Review 工具

120.1.2. Gerrit

Gerrit 是 Google 开发的Code Review 工具

120.1.3. TeamCity