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第 53 章 postfix - High-performance mail transport agent


53.1. install
53.1.1. Ubuntu
53.1.2. CentOS
53.1.3. OSCM 通过配置管理脚本安装
53.2. 配置 Postfix
53.2.1. 转发配置
53.2.2. 拒收垃圾邮件
53.2.3. 收件箱配置
53.2.4. 邮件投递
53.2.5. 队列配置
53.2.6. 客户端
53.2.7. SMTP 发送权限相关配置
53.3. aliases
53.4. dkim
53.4.1. 增加域名
53.4.2. 测试
53.5. Rspamd
53.6. /var/log/maillog
53.6.1. 计算每分钟发送数量日志统计
53.6.2. 虚假地址统计
53.7. Post 命令
53.7.1. postconf - Postfix configuration utility
53.7.2. postsuper
53.7.3. postqueue - Postfix queue control
53.7.4. postmulti - Postfix multi-instance manager
53.8. Example
53.8.1. 站内电邮发送
53.8.2. EDM 服务器
53.8.3. SMTP 邮件发送服务器
53.9. FAQ
53.9.1. SMTP ERROR: RCPT TO command failed: 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax
53.9.2. connect to gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[2607:f8b0:400e:c00::1a]:25: Network is unreachable
53.9.3. opendkim[5762]: 3012A802C1DD: [] [] not internal
53.9.4. opendkim[12578]: 4CC5C802C382: no signature data
53.9.5. /etc/opendkim/keys/default.private: open(): No such file or directory
53.9.6. fatal: parameter inet_interfaces: no local interface found for ::1
53.9.7. NOQUEUE: reject: MAIL from unknown[]: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit;
53.9.8. 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system storage
53.9.9. 454 Relay access denied

Postfix 主页

53.1. install

53.1.1. Ubuntu

				$ sudo apt install postfix


				$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix-config

53.1.2. CentOS

				# yum install -y postfix
				myhostname = mail.example.com
				mydomain = example.com
				myorigin = $mydomain
				inet_interfaces = all
				mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
				#mynetworks =,
				#relay_domains =
				home_mailbox = Maildir/

53.1.3. OSCM 通过配置管理脚本安装

				Postfix Install

				# Centos Init
				curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oscm/shell/master/os/centos7.sh | bash
				curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oscm/shell/master/os/selinux.sh | bash
				curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oscm/shell/master/os/iptables/iptables.sh | bash
				curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oscm/shell/master/os/ntpd/ntp.sh | bash
				curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oscm/shell/master/os/ssh/sshd_config.sh | bash

				# Install Postfix
				curl -s
				https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oscm/shell/master/mail/postfix/postfix.sh | bash