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部分 III. Network Application


25. network tools
25.1. curl / w3m / lynx
25.2. DHCP
25.2.1. DHCP Server
25.2.2. dhclient
25.2.3. release matching connections
25.3. DNS/Bind
25.3.1. 安装 bind9
25.3.2. forwarders
25.3.3. Load Balancing
25.3.4. view
25.3.5. Master / Slave
25.3.6. DNS tools
25.3.7. DNS
25.3.8. NamedManager
25.4. dnsmasq
25.4.1. Install
25.4.2. /etc/dnsmasq.conf
25.4.3. dnsmasq.resolv.conf
25.4.4. dnsmasq.hosts
25.4.5. /etc/dnsmasq.d/dnsmasq.server.conf
25.4.6. /etc/dnsmasq.d/dnsmasq.address.conf
25.4.7. FAQ
25.5. ngrok - tunnel local ports to public URLs and inspect traffic
27. 即时通信
27.1. Matrix
27.1.1. Synapse
27.2. IRC - Internet Relay Chat
27.2.1. IRC Protcol
27.2.2. IRC Commands
27.2.3. ircd-irc2 - The original IRCNet IRC server daemon
27.2.4. ircd-hybrid
27.2.5. IRC Client
27.2.6. Web IRC
27.3. jabber XMPP
27.3.1. ejabberd - Distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server written in Erlang
27.3.2. tigase
27.3.3. Openfire
27.3.4. DJabberd
27.3.5. freetalk - A console based Jabber client
27.3.6. library
27.4. News Group (innd)
27.4.1. Ubuntu
27.4.2. CentOS
27.4.3. User Authentication
27.4.4. usenet 管理
27.4.5. 通过SSL连接
27.4.6. src.rpm 安装
27.4.7. 常用新闻组
28. Proxy Server
28.1. Socks/Socks5
28.1.1. Shadowsocks - A secure socks5 proxy, designed to protect your Internet traffic.
28.1.2. Socks5
28.1.3. dante-server - SOCKS (v4 and v5) proxy daemon(danted)
28.1.4. SSH Socks5 Tunnel
28.1.5. hpsockd - HP SOCKS server
28.2. frp 反向代理
28.2.1. 安装
28.2.2. 配置 systemd
28.3. Apache Proxy
28.4. Squid - Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)
28.4.1. 源码安装
28.4.2. debian/ubuntu 安装
28.4.3. 配置
28.4.4. Squid 管理
28.4.5. 禁止页面被Cache
28.4.6. Squid 实用案例
28.4.7. squid+icap+clamav
28.5. Web page proxy
28.5.1. Surrogafier
28.5.2. CGIproxy
28.5.3. PHPProxy
28.5.4. BBlocked
28.5.5. Glype
28.5.6. Zelune
28.6. rinetd — internet “redirection server”
28.6.1. rinetd install
28.6.2. rinetd.conf
28.6.3. 防御脚本
28.6.4. rinetd.log
29. Firewall
29.1. TCP/IP 相关内核配置项
29.1.1. net.ipv4.ip_forward
29.1.2. net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all
29.2. iptables - administration tools for packet filtering and NAT
29.2.1. Getting Started
29.2.2. 用户自定义规则连
29.2.3. Protocols 协议
29.2.4. Interfaces 网络适配器接口
29.2.5. 源IP地址
29.2.6. Ports 端口
29.2.7. NAT
29.2.8. Module(模块)
29.2.9. IPV6
29.2.10. iptables-xml - Convert iptables-save format to XML
29.2.11. access.log IP封锁脚本
29.2.12. Example
29.3. ulogd - The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
29.4. ufw - program for managing a netfilter firewall
29.4.1. /etc/default/ufw
29.4.2. ip_forward
29.4.3. DHCP
29.4.4. Samba
29.5. CentOS 7/8 Firewalld
29.5.1. 如果你不习惯使用firewalld想用回Iptables
29.5.2. 安装 firewalld
29.5.3. firewalld 配置文件
29.5.4. firewall-cmd
29.5.5. 区域
29.5.6. 端口操作
29.5.7. 服务
29.5.8. IP 伪装
29.5.9. 端口转发
29.5.10. 富规则
29.6. Shorewall
29.6.1. Installation Instructions
29.6.2. Configuring Shorewall
29.7. Firewall GUI Tools
29.8. Endian Firewall
29.9. Smooth Firewall
29.10. Sphirewall
30. Stunnel - universal SSL tunnel
31. OpenSSH
31.1. 安装 OpenSSH
31.2. /etc/ssh/
31.2.1. IP地址限制
31.2.2. sshd_config
31.2.3. ssh_config
31.2.4. ~/.ssh/config
31.3. ssh client
31.3.1. -o option 参数详解
31.3.2. 调试模式,显示连接过程
31.4. OpenSSH Tunnel
31.4.1. SOCKS v5 Tunnel
31.4.2. 从公网穿透局域网
31.5. ssh-keygen — authentication key generation, management and conversion
31.5.1. .ssh/known_hosts
31.6. ssh-keyscan
31.7. ssh-copy-id - install your public key in a remote machine's authorized_keys
31.8. ssh-agent
31.8.1. ssh-add
31.8.2. Lock / Unlock agent
31.8.3. Set lifetime (in seconds) when adding identities.
31.9. OpenSSH for Windows
31.9.1. Putty Client
31.10. Google Authenticator - Android Apps on Google Play
31.11. 禁止SSH密码穷举
31.12. FAQ
31.12.1. Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
31.12.2. 去掉 passphrase
31.12.3. 打印调试信息
31.12.4. 远程执行 sudo 提示密码
31.12.5. Unable to negotiate with port 60022: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss,ssh-rsa
32. VPN (Virtual Private Network)
32.1. OpenVPN (openvpn - Virtual Private Network daemon)
32.1.1. 安装 OpenVPN Server
32.1.2. Easy-RSA 3
32.1.3. Openvpn Client
32.1.4. OpenVPN GUI for Windows
32.1.5. point-to-point VPNs
32.1.6. VPN 案例
32.1.7. OpenVPN安全
32.2. pptpd
32.2.1. Server 服务端
32.2.2. Client 客户端
32.2.3. FAQ
32.3. l2tpd - dummy package for l2tpd to xl2tpd transition
32.3.1. Docker 安装 L2TP
32.3.2. Ubuntu
32.3.3. CentOS 8 Stream
32.3.4. Ipsec VPN
32.3.5. FAQ
32.4. IKEv2 VPN Server
32.4.1. IKEv2 VPN Server on Docker
32.4.2. strongswan - IPSec utilities for strongSwan
32.5. openswan - IPSEC utilities for Openswan
32.6. N2N VPN
32.7. Hypersocket VPN
32.8. Tailscale
33. Point to Point
33.1. download
33.1.1. rtorrent - ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent
33.1.2. mldonkey-server - Door to the 'donkey' network
33.1.3. amule - client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule

1. tc - show / manipulate traffic control settings

1.1. 模拟网络丢包

tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem corrupt 0.2% loss 10%