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部分 XX. X Window


178. install x window
178.1. xinput - utility to configure and test X input devices
179. X Setup
179.1. 取消开机启动画面
179.2. Automatic login
179.3. disable x window
180. Fonts 字体
180.1. fc-list 字体查看命令
180.1.1. 查看所有字体
180.1.2. 查看中文字体
180.2. 查看字体详情
180.3. 安装字体
180.4. fonts 字体
181. X Terminal
181.1. tsclient - Terminal Server Client supporting XDMCP, VNC and RDP
181.1.1. VNC
181.1.2. xdmcp
181.2. vinagre - a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME Desktop
181.3. rdesktop - A Remote Desktop Protocol client
181.3.1. -g: desktop geometry (WxH)
181.3.2. -f: full-screen mode
181.3.3. -A: enable SeamlessRDP mode
181.3.4. -z: enable rdp compression
181.3.5. -r: enable specified device redirection (this flag can be repeated)
181.4. tigervnc
181.5. TightVNC
182. Unity
182.1. Enable/Disable Auto Hide For Unity 2-D Launcher In Ubuntu 11.10
183. X Window System
183.1. Fluxbox
183.2. LXDE
183.3. Xfce
183.4. Xming X Server for Windows
184. X Application Software
184.1. ubuntu-restricted-extras
184.2. Keyboard Input Methods(输入法)
184.3. 浏览器
184.3.1. Firefox
184.3.2. Chromium Web Browser
184.4. Download Software
184.5. PAC Manager
184.6. LibreOffice
184.7. VYM (View Your Mind)
184.8. greenshot
184.9. Window Switch
184.10. gparted
185. Office
185.1. Calc
185.1.1. 函数
