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Netkiller Linux 手札

《Netkiller Linux 手札》配套视频教程(2024版)

Mr. Neo Chan, 陈景峯(BG7NYT)

+86 13113668890

电子书最近一次更新于 2024-06-13 21:10:39



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1. 自述
1.1. 本文目的
1.2. 内容简介
1.3. 读者对象
1.4. 作者简介
1.5. 打赏(Donations)
1. Introduction
1.1. Rocky Linux
1.1.1. 制作 U 盘
1.1.2. Rocky-9.3-x86_64-minimal.iso 镜像初始化
1.2. AlmaLinux
1.2.1. 制作 U 盘启动盘
1.2.2. AlmaLinux 镜像安装初始化
1.2.3. Minimal 版本安装 XWindows
1.3. Debian / Ubuntu
1.3.1. Debian 12
1.3.2. 历史记录优化
1.3.3. 关闭 SELinux
1.3.4. sysctl / ulimit
1.3.5. 时间同步
1.3.6. 启动 rc.local
1.3.7. 禁用防火墙
1.3.8. 更换包镜像
1.4. CentOS 8 Stream
1.4.1. U 盘安装 CentOS Stream
1.4.2. macOS 制作 U 盘启动盘速度慢
1.4.3. 首次安装后初始化系统
1.4.4. 启用 rc.local
1.4.5. 卸载防火墙
1.5. Alpine Linux
1.6. 其他 Linux 发行版本
1.6.1. Linux 下载排名
1.6.2. Redhat 衍生版本
1.6.3. FreeBSD 包风格的Linux 发行版
1.6.4. Linux 专用领域发行版
1.6.5. 早起版本
I. System Administrator
2. 获取系统信息
2.1. 查看版本信息
2.2. System Infomation
2.2.1. Cpu Bit
2.2.2. dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer
2.3. Device information 设备信息
2.3.1. 硬件信息
2.3.2. 网络设备
2.3.3. USB 设备
2.3.4. 存储设备
2.3.5. 内存设备
2.3.6. PCI 设备
2.3.7. udev - Linux dynamic device management
3. /etc 配置文件
3.1. /etc/rc.local
3.2. getent 用来察看系统的数据库中的相关记录
3.2.1. 主机名
3.2.2. 用户组
3.2.3. 查看端口
3.2.4. shadow 密码
3.3. /etc/inputrc
3.4. /etc/shells
3.5. shutdown
3.6. Profile
3.6.1. shell
3.7. 环境默认值
3.7.1. 显示所有配置项
3.7.2. 切换版本
3.7.3. 使用 alternatives 管理自己的软件版本
3.7.4. 配置系统默认编辑器
4. Kernel
4.1. 编译安装内核
4.2. sysctl - configure kernel parameters at runtime
4.2.1. sysctl.d
4.2.2. vm.overcommit_memory
4.2.3. TCP 拥塞控制算法
4.2.4. bbr
4.3. /sys
4.3.1. /sys/class/net/
4.3.2. sysfsutils
4.4. /proc
4.4.1. 查看系统版本
4.4.2. /proc/进程ID
4.4.3. /proc/*/fd/ 进程所打开的文件
4.4.4. 进程内存监控
4.4.5. ulimit 状态
4.4.6. /proc/cpuinfo
4.4.7. 内存信息
4.4.8. overcommit_memory
4.5. 资源配置
4.5.1. ulimit - Modify shell resource limits.
4.5.2. prlimit - Show or change the resource limits of a process.
4.6. Kernel modules
4.6.1. modprobe - program to add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel
4.6.2. 查看内核模块信息
5. Package Management
5.1. APT 包管理
5.1.1. 搜索软件包
5.1.2. 显示软件包的详细信息
5.1.3. policy
5.1.4. 软件包的依赖关系
5.1.5. 查看所属镜像
5.1.6. Installation
5.1.7. 重新安装
5.1.8. 列出已安装软件包
5.1.9. Update
5.1.10. Remove
5.1.11. purge
5.1.12. aptitude
5.1.13. Automatic Updates
5.1.14. 更换 api 源镜像
5.1.15. dpkg
5.1.16. Upgrading
5.1.17. 制作.deb安装包
5.2. snap - Tool to interact with snaps
5.2.1. 安装 snap
5.2.2. 列出已经安装的snap包
5.2.3. 搜索要安装的snap包
5.2.4. 安装snap包
5.2.5. 更新snap包
5.2.6. 把一个包还原到以前安装的版本
5.2.7. 删除snap包
5.2.8. 查询最近做的操作日志
5.3. DNF 包管理
5.3.1. 安装 epel-release 包
5.3.2. DNF 软件库管理
5.3.3. 显示系统中可用的 DNF 软件库
5.3.4. 列出所有 RPM 包
5.3.5. 搜索软件库中的包
5.3.6. 查看软件包详情
5.3.7. 查找某一文件的提供者
5.3.8. 删除软件包
5.4. yum - Yellowdog Updater Modified 包管理
5.4.1. Yum Resource & Yum Mirror
5.4.2. yum - Yellowdog Updater Modified
5.4.3. rpm - RPM Package Manager
5.4.4. rpmbuild - Build RPM Package(s)
5.5. Homebrew
5.5.1. OpenJDK 8
5.5.2. Maven
5.5.3. 版本切换
5.7. 清理安装包
6. 区域/语言/时间
6.1. 时区设置
6.2. 修改服务区吃的日期和时间
6.2.1. 日期写入BIOS
6.3. 早起 Linux 版本
6.3.1. Ubuntu
6.3.2. CentOS 区域设置
7. console / terminal 控制台与终端
7.1. serial console
7.2. console timeout
7.3. TUI (Text User Interface)
7.4. framebuffer
8. Harddisk 磁盘管理
8.1. 查看分区分区 UUID
8.2. 通过 UUID 或 标签 查询设备文件
8.3. Label
8.3.1. Ext2
8.4. swap 交换分区
8.4.1. swapon failed: Invalid argument
8.5. Show partition
8.6. Create partition
8.7. Clone partition
8.8. estimate disk / directory / file space usage
8.9. Convert from ext3 to ext4 File system
8.10. GPT
8.10.1. 设置GTP磁盘
8.10.2. 查看分区
8.10.3. 创建分区
8.10.4. 删除分区
8.10.5. 退出
8.10.6. mount
8.11. loop devices
8.11.1. losetup - set up and control loop devices
8.12. Linux磁盘分区加密
9. Removable Storage
9.1. usb flash
9.2. CD / DVD
9.2.1. Mount an ISO file
9.2.2. create iso file from CD
9.2.3. burner
9.2.4. ISO Mirror
10. File System 文件系统
10.1. /etc/fstab
10.1.1. 绑定目录
10.1.2. 禁止执行
10.1.3. 禁止更新访问时间
10.1.4. /etc/fstab 例子
10.2. Mount partition
10.2.1. Mount
10.2.2. Umount
10.2.3. bind directory
10.3. ext2
10.4. ext3
10.5. EXT4
10.5.1. install
10.5.2. format
10.5.3. label
10.5.4. mount/umount
10.5.5. LVM 卷
10.6. ReiserFS
10.7. LVM
10.8. Btrfs
10.8.1. btrfs 格式化
10.8.2. 子卷 subvolumes
10.8.3. 快照 snapshot
10.8.4. 挂载 btrfs
10.8.5. btrfsctl
10.8.6. btrfs-vol
10.8.7. btrfs-convert
10.8.8. btrfsck
10.8.9. btrfs-debug-tree
10.9. zfs
10.10. iSCSI
10.10.1. GFS
10.11. GFS - Cluster Storage
10.12. glusterfs
10.13. RAM FS
10.14. tmpfs
10.15. ftp fs
10.16. SSHFS (sshfs - filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol)
10.17. davfs2 - mount a WebDAV resource as a regular file system
10.18. redisfs
10.19. File system test
10.19.1. ext4 vs btrfs
10.19.2. xfs vs jfs vs reiserfs
10.19.3. RAID10 (146G*8) vs EMC VNX 5300 (8G Fibre Channel)
10.19.4. Dell 2950(RAID5 500G SATA * 6) vs MD1200
10.20. 磁盘占用100%删除文件后不是放的解决方法
11. Networking 网络管理
11.1. hosts
11.1.1. /etc/hostname
11.1.2. /etc/host.conf
11.1.3. /etc/hosts
11.1.4. hosts.allow / hosts.deny
11.1.5. /etc/resolv.conf
11.2. Network adapter 网络适配器
11.2.1. 接口名称
11.3. CentOS 8 Stream
11.3.1. hostnamectl - Control the system hostname
11.3.2. nmtui - Text User Interface for controlling NetworkManager
11.3.3. nmcli - command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager
11.4. Ubuntu netplan (Ubuntu 18.04 之后才用 netplan 管理网络)
11.4.1. DHCP
11.4.2. 静态IP地址
11.5. Gateway 设置默认网关
11.6. 配置 DNS
11.6.1. 常规 DNS 配置 /etc/resolv.conf
11.6.2. 安全 DNS 配置
11.7. IP forwarding(IP转发)
11.8. bonding
11.8.1. bonding
11.8.2. Ubuntu
11.9. Wireless - WiFi 配置
11.9.1. rfkill - tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
11.9.2. iwlist - Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless interface
11.9.3. iwconfig - configure a wireless network interface
11.9.4. /proc/net/wireless
11.10. Linux IP And Router
11.10.1. IP 地址类别
11.10.2. ping
11.10.3. Finding optimal MTU
11.10.4. ss - another utility to investigate sockets
11.10.5. netmask 子网掩码
11.10.6. arp - manipulate the system ARP cache
11.10.7. iproute2
11.10.8. VLAN
11.10.9. 网桥
11.10.10. Zebra
11.11. IPv6
11.11.1. 禁用 IPv6
11.11.2. Ipv6 无法连接
11.12. 早期版本
11.12.1. 早期 Ubuntu
11.12.2. CentOS 6
12. 服务管理
12.1. 什么是 systemd
12.2. why-为什么做
12.3. systemd 是何时被采用的
12.4. 那些系统使用 systemd
12.5. system 是谁开发的
12.6. 怎样编写systemd脚本
12.6.1. Unit
12.6.2. Service
12.6.3. Install
12.7. systemd, init - systemd system and service manager
12.7.1. 电源管理
12.7.2. rc.local
12.7.3. 编辑 service 文件
12.7.4. 查看 service 文件
12.7.5. is-enabled 查看当前服务的启用状态
12.7.6. 重载 systemd
12.7.7. 列出启动失败的服务
12.7.8. list-units
12.8. 定时器单元
12.9. 查看配置项
12.10. Debian/Ubuntu
12.10.1. update-rc.d - install and remove System-V style init script links
12.10.2. invoke-rc.d - executes System-V style init script actions
12.10.3. runlevel
12.10.4. sysv-rc-conf
12.10.5. xinetd - replacement for inetd with many enhancements
12.10.6. Scheduled Tasks
12.10.7. sv - control and manage services monitored by runsv
12.11. CentOS 6
12.11.1. service
12.11.2. xinetd.d
12.11.3. rpcinfo
12.11.4. SELINUX
13. Process 进程管理
13.1. top - display Linux tasks
13.1.1. 查找内存消耗最大的进程
13.2. ps - report a snapshot of the current processes
13.2.1. 完整的显示命令参数
13.2.2. 显示进程之间的关系
13.2.3. ps axef
13.2.4. ps jax
13.2.5. 僵尸进程
13.2.6. 查找内存消耗最大的进程
13.2.7. 格式化输出
13.2.8. 线程
13.3. renice
13.4. kill - terminate a process
13.4.1. 列出信号名称
13.5. mpstat
13.6. pid
13.6.1. 查找进程 ID
13.6.2. pkill
13.6.3. pidof -- find the process ID of a running program.
13.7. jobs
13.7.1. &
13.7.2. Ctrl + Z
13.7.3. jobs
13.7.4. fg / bg
13.7.5. nohup - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty
13.7.6. wait 等待后台任务运行结束
13.8. ionice - get/set program io scheduling class and priority
13.9. Utilities for managing processes on your system
13.9.1. pstree - display a tree of processes
13.9.2. fuser - identify processes using files or sockets
13.10. pkexec - Execute a command as another user
14. 权限管理
14.1. User 用户管理
14.1.1. 添加用户
14.1.2. 删除用户
14.1.3. 修改用户组
14.1.4. 账号加锁与解锁
14.2. Group
14.2.1. Add a new group
14.2.2. Add a user to the group
14.2.3. /etc/group
14.2.4. gpasswd - administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
14.3. 访问权限
14.3.1. umask
14.3.2. chown - change file owner and group
14.3.3. chgrp - change group ownership
14.3.4. chmod - change file access permissions
14.4. chattr - change file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
14.5. su - run a shell with substitute user and group IDs
14.6. runuser - run a command with substitute user and group ID
14.7. sudo, sudoedit - execute a command as another user
14.7.1. /etc/sudoers
14.7.2. /etc/sudoers
14.7.3. 设置示例
14.7.4. NOPASSWD
14.7.5. 允许或禁止命令
14.7.6. Cmnd_Alias 用法
14.7.7. wheel 组
14.7.8. 注意事项
14.8. ACL - Access Control List
14.8.1. getfacl - get file access control lists
14.8.2. setfacl - set file access control lists
15. crontab 定时任务
15.1. /etc/crontab
16. Logging 日志
16.1. rsyslog
16.1.1. rsyslog.conf
16.2. logrotate - rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
16.2.1. /etc/logrotate.conf
16.2.2. /etc/logrotate.d/
16.3. syslog-ng
16.4. syslog, klogctl - read and/or clear kernel message ring buffer; set console_loglevel
16.4.1. /etc/sysconfig/syslog
16.4.2. /etc/syslog.conf
16.4.3. logger
16.4.4. To Log Messages Over UDP Network
16.5. 挂载日志卷
16.5.1. 子卷挂载
16.5.2. 使用过个子卷
16.5.3. /etc/fstab配置
17. kickstart
17.1. install kickstart
17.2. ks.cfg
17.3. boot 参数
18. System Utilities 配置工具
18.1. CentOS 6
18.1.1. system-config-date
18.1.2. system-config-firewall
18.1.3. system-config-securitylevel
18.1.4. system-config-language
18.1.5. system-config-keyboard
18.1.6. system-config-network
18.1.7. ntsysv
18.1.8. lokkit
18.1.9. system-config-kdump
18.1.10. system-config-services
18.1.11. authconfig-tui
II. Shell
19. Shell
19.1. 快捷键
19.1.1. 命令行编辑命令
19.1.2. 重新执行命令快捷键
19.1.3. 终端控制快捷键
19.1.4. Bang (!) 命令
19.2. chsh - change login shell
19.3. 执行程序返回值
20. Bash Shell
20.1. bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell
20.1.1. -n 检查脚本是否有语法错误
20.1.2. -x 显示详细运行过程
20.2. 切换身份
20.3. I/O 重定向
20.3.1. stdout
20.3.2. error 重定向
20.3.3. 使用块记录日志
20.3.4. tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files
20.3.5. 创建文件
20.3.6. 快速清空一个文件的内容
20.4. pipes (FIFOs)
20.5. mktemp - create a temporary file or directory 临时目录与文件
20.6. History 命令历史记录
20.6.1. .bash_history
20.6.2. 清理历史记录
20.6.3. .mysql_history
20.7. hash - hash database access method
20.8. prompt
20.9. 变量 variable
20.9.1. 系统变量
20.9.2. 表达式
20.9.3. Internal Environment Variables
20.9.4. set 设置变量
20.9.5. unset 变量销毁
20.9.6. 设置变量默认值
20.9.7. export 设置全局变量
20.9.8. declare
20.9.9. Numerical 数值运算
20.9.10. Strings 字符串操作
20.9.11. Array 数组
20.9.12. read 赋值多个变量
20.9.13. eval
20.9.14. typeset
20.9.15. envsubst - substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
20.10. conditions if and case
20.10.1. if
20.10.2. case
20.11. Loops for, while and until
20.11.1. for
20.11.2. while
20.11.3. until
20.12. Functions
20.12.1. Local variables
20.13. User interfaces
20.13.1. input
20.14. subshell
20.15. Example
20.15.1. 有趣的Shell
20.15.2. backup
20.15.3. CPU 核心数
20.15.4. Password
20.15.5. processes
20.15.6. Shell 技巧
20.15.7. to convert utf-8 from gb2312 code
20.15.8. 使用内存的百分比
20.15.9. 合并apache被cronlog分割的log文件
20.15.10. Linux 交集 差集 并集
21. 小众 Shell
21.1. fish shell
21.1.1. 安装 fish shell
21.1.2. 配置 fish
21.1.3. 环境变量
21.2. Z Shell
21.2.1. installing Z shell
21.2.2. Oh My ZSH!
21.2.3. Starting file
21.2.4. Prompting
21.2.5. Aliases
21.2.6. History
21.2.7. FAQ
21.3. Berkeley UNIX C shell (csh)
21.4. KornShell
22. Shell 命令
22.1. Help Commands
22.1.1. man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals
22.2. getconf - Query system configuration variables
22.3. test 命令
22.3.1. 判断目录
22.4. 目录和文件
22.4.1. dirname
22.4.2. filename
22.4.3. test - check file types and compare values
22.4.4. file — determine file type
22.4.5. stat
22.4.6. mkdir - make directories
22.4.7. rename
22.4.8. touch
22.4.9. truncate
22.4.10. ls - list directory contents
22.4.11. cp - copy files and directories
22.4.12. rm - remove files or directories
22.4.13. df - report file system disk space usage
22.4.14. du - estimate file space usage
22.4.15. tac - concatenate and print files in reverse
22.4.16. split - split a file into pieces
22.4.17. find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
22.5. package / compress and decompress
22.5.1. tar — The GNU version of the tar archiving utility
22.5.2. cpio - copy files to and from archives
22.5.3. gzip
22.5.4. zip, zipcloak, zipnote, zipsplit - package and compress (archive) files
22.5.5. bzip2, bunzip2 - a block-sorting file compressor
22.5.6. RAR
22.5.7. 7-Zip
22.5.8. RAR
22.5.9. xz, unxz, xzcat, lzma, unlzma, lzcat - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
22.6. 日期和时间
22.6.1. 日期格式
22.6.2. -d --date=
22.6.3. 时间戳
22.6.4. RFC 2822
22.6.5. UTC
22.6.6. 字符串转日期
22.7. 数值与运算
22.7.1. 数值运算
22.7.2. seq - print a sequence of numbers
22.7.3. bc - An arbitrary precision calculator language
22.8. 文本处理
22.8.1. iconv - Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another
22.8.2. 字符串处理命令expr
22.8.3. cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output
22.8.4. nl - number lines of files
22.8.5. tr - translate or delete characters
22.8.6. cut - remove sections from each line of files
22.8.7. printf - format and print data
22.8.8. Free `recode' converts files between various character sets and surfaces.
22.8.9. /dev/urandom 随机字符串
22.8.10. col - filter reverse line feeds from input
22.8.11. apg - generates several random passwords
22.8.12. head/tail
22.8.13. 反转字符串或文件内容
22.8.14. TAB符号与空格处理
22.8.15. grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern
22.8.16. sort - sort lines of text files
22.8.17. uniq
22.8.18. awk
22.8.19. sed
22.9. 表格操作/行列转换
22.9.1. column - columnate lists
22.9.2. paste - merge lines of files
22.9.3. join
22.10. standard input/output
22.10.1. xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input
22.11. flock - manage locks from shell scripts
22.12. 进制转换 - 16进制 - 8进制 - 二进制
22.12.1. od - dump files in octal and other formats
22.12.2. hexdump, hd -- ASCII, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump
22.12.3. xxd - make a hexdump or do the reverse.
22.12.4. binutils
22.13. 文件比较
22.13.1. diff
22.13.2. sdiff
22.13.3. diff3
22.14. ed, red - text editor
22.15. vim
22.15.1. vim 初始化
22.15.2. 查找与替换
22.15.3. 删除操作
22.15.4. 插入文件
22.15.5. 批处理
22.15.6. line()
22.15.7. set fileformat
22.15.8. 空格与TAB转换
22.16. Wget - The non-interactive network downloader.
22.16.1. Logging and input file
22.16.2. 下载相关参数
22.16.3. HTTP options (HTTP 选项)
22.16.4. Recursive download
22.16.5. --no-passive-ftp disable the "passive" transfer mode.
22.16.6. 下载一组连续的文件名
22.17. CURL - transfer a URL
22.17.1. 基本用法
22.17.2. 提交表单数据
22.17.3. 上传文件
22.17.4. connect-timeout
22.17.5. max-time
22.17.6. compressed
22.17.7. 代理服务器
22.17.8. -w, --write-out <format> 输出格式定义
22.17.9. -A/--user-agent <agent string>
22.17.10. referer
22.17.11. -v
22.17.12. -o, --output FILE Write output to <file> instead of stdout
22.17.13. -L, --location
22.17.14. -H/--header <line> Custom header to pass to server (H)
22.17.15. curl-config
22.17.16. 指定网络接口或者地址
22.17.17. Cookie 处理
22.17.18. Restful 应用 JSON 数据处理
22.17.19. 访问自签名证书
22.17.20. HTTP2
22.17.21. FAQ
22.18. expect
22.18.1. 模拟登录 telnet 获取Cisco配置
22.18.2. 模拟登录 ssh
22.18.3. SCP
22.18.4. openssl 例子
22.19. expect-lite - quick and easy command line automation tool
22.20. sshpass - noninteractive ssh password provider
22.21. Klish - Kommand Line Interface Shell (the fork of clish project)
22.21.1. 安装Klish
22.21.2. 为用户指定clish作为默认Shell
22.21.3. FAQ
22.22. Limited command Shell (lshell)
22.23. TUI
22.23.1. screen - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation
22.23.2. tmux — terminal multiplexer
22.23.3. byobu - wrapper script for seeding a user's byobu configuration and launching a text based window manager (either screen or tmux)
22.23.4. htop - interactive process viewer
22.23.5. elinks
22.23.6. chat
22.24. jq - Command-line JSON processor
22.24.1. --raw-output
22.25. asciinema 终端录屏
22.26. parallel - build and execute shell command lines from standard input in parallel
22.27. multitail
22.28. Logging
22.28.1. logger - a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module
22.29. Password
22.29.1. Shadow password suite configuration.
22.29.2. newusers - update and create new users in batch
22.29.3. chpasswd - update passwords in batch mode
22.29.4. sshpass - noninteractive ssh password provider
22.30. 信息摘要
22.30.1. cksum, sum -- display file checksums and block counts
22.30.2. md5sum - compute and check MD5 message digest
22.31. envsubst - substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
24. Shell Terminal
24.1. terminal
24.1.1. resize - set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current xterm window size
24.1.2. tset, reset - terminal initialization
24.1.3. stty - change and print terminal line settings
24.2. tput
24.2.1. Change the prompt color using tput
24.3. dialog
24.3.1. --inputbox
24.4. whiptail - display dialog boxes from shell scripts
24.4.1. --msgbox
24.4.2. --infobox
24.4.3. --yesno
24.4.4. --inputbox
24.4.5. --passwordbox
24.4.6. --textbox
24.4.7. --checklist
24.4.8. --radiolist
24.4.9. --menu
24.4.10. --gauge
III. Network Application
25. network tools
25.1. curl / w3m / lynx
25.2. DHCP
25.2.1. DHCP Server
25.2.2. dhclient
25.2.3. release matching connections
25.3. DNS/Bind
25.3.1. 安装 bind9
25.3.2. forwarders
25.3.3. Load Balancing
25.3.4. view
25.3.5. Master / Slave
25.3.6. DNS tools
25.3.7. DNS
25.3.8. NamedManager
25.4. dnsmasq
25.4.1. Install
25.4.2. /etc/dnsmasq.conf
25.4.3. dnsmasq.resolv.conf
25.4.4. dnsmasq.hosts
25.4.5. /etc/dnsmasq.d/dnsmasq.server.conf
25.4.6. /etc/dnsmasq.d/dnsmasq.address.conf
25.4.7. FAQ
25.5. ngrok - tunnel local ports to public URLs and inspect traffic
27. 即时通信
27.1. Matrix
27.1.1. Synapse
27.2. IRC - Internet Relay Chat
27.2.1. IRC Protcol
27.2.2. IRC Commands
27.2.3. ircd-irc2 - The original IRCNet IRC server daemon
27.2.4. ircd-hybrid
27.2.5. IRC Client
27.2.6. Web IRC
27.3. jabber XMPP
27.3.1. ejabberd - Distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server written in Erlang
27.3.2. tigase
27.3.3. Openfire
27.3.4. DJabberd
27.3.5. freetalk - A console based Jabber client
27.3.6. library
27.4. News Group (innd)
27.4.1. Ubuntu
27.4.2. CentOS
27.4.3. User Authentication
27.4.4. usenet 管理
27.4.5. 通过SSL连接
27.4.6. src.rpm 安装
27.4.7. 常用新闻组
28. Proxy Server
28.1. Socks/Socks5
28.1.1. Shadowsocks - A secure socks5 proxy, designed to protect your Internet traffic.
28.1.2. Socks5
28.1.3. dante-server - SOCKS (v4 and v5) proxy daemon(danted)
28.1.4. SSH Socks5 Tunnel
28.1.5. hpsockd - HP SOCKS server
28.2. frp 反向代理
28.2.1. 安装
28.2.2. 配置 systemd
28.3. Apache Proxy
28.4. Squid - Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)
28.4.1. 源码安装
28.4.2. debian/ubuntu 安装
28.4.3. 配置
28.4.4. Squid 管理
28.4.5. 禁止页面被Cache
28.4.6. Squid 实用案例
28.4.7. squid+icap+clamav
28.5. Web page proxy
28.5.1. Surrogafier
28.5.2. CGIproxy
28.5.3. PHPProxy
28.5.4. BBlocked
28.5.5. Glype
28.5.6. Zelune
28.6. rinetd — internet “redirection server”
28.6.1. rinetd install
28.6.2. rinetd.conf
28.6.3. 防御脚本
28.6.4. rinetd.log
29. Firewall
29.1. TCP/IP 相关内核配置项
29.1.1. net.ipv4.ip_forward
29.1.2. net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all
29.2. iptables - administration tools for packet filtering and NAT
29.2.1. Getting Started
29.2.2. 用户自定义规则连
29.2.3. Protocols 协议
29.2.4. Interfaces 网络适配器接口
29.2.5. 源IP地址
29.2.6. Ports 端口
29.2.7. NAT
29.2.8. Module(模块)
29.2.9. IPV6
29.2.10. iptables-xml - Convert iptables-save format to XML
29.2.11. access.log IP封锁脚本
29.2.12. Example
29.3. ulogd - The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
29.4. ufw - program for managing a netfilter firewall
29.4.1. /etc/default/ufw
29.4.2. ip_forward
29.4.3. DHCP
29.4.4. Samba
29.5. CentOS 7/8 Firewalld
29.5.1. 如果你不习惯使用firewalld想用回Iptables
29.5.2. 安装 firewalld
29.5.3. firewalld 配置文件
29.5.4. firewall-cmd
29.5.5. 区域
29.5.6. 端口操作
29.5.7. 服务
29.5.8. IP 伪装
29.5.9. 端口转发
29.5.10. 富规则
29.6. Shorewall
29.6.1. Installation Instructions
29.6.2. Configuring Shorewall
29.7. Firewall GUI Tools
29.8. Endian Firewall
29.9. Smooth Firewall
29.10. Sphirewall
30. Stunnel - universal SSL tunnel
31. OpenSSH
31.1. 安装 OpenSSH
31.2. /etc/ssh/
31.2.1. IP地址限制
31.2.2. sshd_config
31.2.3. ssh_config
31.2.4. ~/.ssh/config
31.3. ssh client
31.3.1. -o option 参数详解
31.3.2. 调试模式,显示连接过程
31.4. OpenSSH Tunnel
31.4.1. SOCKS v5 Tunnel
31.4.2. 从公网穿透局域网
31.5. ssh-keygen — authentication key generation, management and conversion
31.5.1. .ssh/known_hosts
31.6. ssh-keyscan
31.7. ssh-copy-id - install your public key in a remote machine's authorized_keys
31.8. ssh-agent
31.8.1. ssh-add
31.8.2. Lock / Unlock agent
31.8.3. Set lifetime (in seconds) when adding identities.
31.9. OpenSSH for Windows
31.9.1. Putty Client
31.10. Google Authenticator - Android Apps on Google Play
31.11. 禁止SSH密码穷举
31.12. FAQ
31.12.1. Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
31.12.2. 去掉 passphrase
31.12.3. 打印调试信息
31.12.4. 远程执行 sudo 提示密码
31.12.5. Unable to negotiate with port 60022: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss,ssh-rsa
32. VPN (Virtual Private Network)
32.1. OpenVPN (openvpn - Virtual Private Network daemon)
32.1.1. 安装 OpenVPN Server
32.1.2. Easy-RSA 3
32.1.3. Openvpn Client
32.1.4. OpenVPN GUI for Windows
32.1.5. point-to-point VPNs
32.1.6. VPN 案例
32.1.7. OpenVPN安全
32.2. pptpd
32.2.1. Server 服务端
32.2.2. Client 客户端
32.2.3. FAQ
32.3. l2tpd - dummy package for l2tpd to xl2tpd transition
32.3.1. Docker 安装 L2TP
32.3.2. Ubuntu
32.3.3. CentOS 8 Stream
32.3.4. Ipsec VPN
32.3.5. FAQ
32.4. IKEv2 VPN Server
32.4.1. IKEv2 VPN Server on Docker
32.4.2. strongswan - IPSec utilities for strongSwan
32.5. openswan - IPSEC utilities for Openswan
32.6. N2N VPN
32.7. Hypersocket VPN
32.8. Tailscale
33. Point to Point
33.1. download
33.1.1. rtorrent - ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent
33.1.2. mldonkey-server - Door to the 'donkey' network
33.1.3. amule - client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule
IV. Web Application
34. Nginx
34.1. Installing
34.1.1. Netkiller OSCM 一键安装 (CentOS 7)
34.1.2. Installing by apt-get under the debain/ubuntu
34.1.3. CentOS
34.1.4. installing by source
34.1.5. CentOS 7
34.1.6. Mac
34.1.7. rotate log
34.2. Nginx 命令
34.2.1. -V show version and configure options then exit
34.2.2. -t : test configuration and exit
34.2.3. test configuration, dump it and exit
34.3. nginx.conf 配置文件
34.3.1. 处理器配置
34.3.2. events 配置
34.3.3. Nginx 变量
34.4. http 配置
34.4.1. 缓冲区相关设置
34.4.2. 超时设置
34.4.3. gzip
34.4.4. server_tokens
34.4.5. ssi
34.4.6. DNS 解析
34.4.7. rewrite
34.5. server
34.5.1. listen
34.5.2. server_name 配置
34.5.3. location
34.5.4. root 通过$host智能匹配目录
34.5.5. alias
34.5.6. try_files
34.5.7. SSL 虚拟主机
34.5.8. HTTP2 配置 SSL证书
34.5.9. expires
34.5.10. access
34.5.11. autoindex
34.5.12. return
34.5.13. add_header
34.5.14. client_max_body_size 上传文件尺寸限制
34.6. upstream 负载均衡
34.6.1. weight 权重配置
34.6.2. backup 实现热备
34.7. Proxy
34.7.1. proxy_cache
34.7.2. rewrite + proxy_pass
34.7.3. request_filename + proxy_pass
34.7.4. $request_uri 与 proxy_pass 联合使用
34.7.5. try_files 与 proxy_pass 共用
34.7.6. Proxy 与 SSI
34.7.7. Host
34.7.8. expires
34.7.9. X-Forwarded-For
34.7.10. X-Sendfile
34.7.11. proxy_http_version
34.7.12. proxy_set_header
34.7.13. 隐藏头部信息
34.7.14. 忽略头
34.7.15. proxy_pass_request_headers 透传 Header
34.7.16. timeout 超时时间
34.7.17. sub_filter 文本替换
34.7.18. 站外代理
34.7.19. example
34.7.20. HTTP Auth 认证冲突
34.8. fastcgi
34.8.1. spawn-fcgi
34.8.2. php-fpm
34.9. 单域名虚拟主机
34.10. Nginx module
34.10.1. stub_status 服务器状态采集模块
34.10.2. sub_filter 页面中查找和替换
34.10.3. auth_basic HTTP 认证模块
34.10.4. valid_referers
34.10.5. ngx_http_flv_module
34.10.6. ngx_http_mp4_module
34.10.7. limit_zone
34.10.8. image_filter
34.10.9. ngx_stream_proxy_module
34.10.10. ngx_http_mirror_module
34.10.11. limit_except
34.10.12. geoip_country_code
34.11. Example
34.11.1. Nginx + Tomcat
34.11.2. 拦截index.html
34.11.3. Session 的 Cookie 域处理
34.12. FAQ
34.12.1. 405 Not Allowed?
34.12.2. 413 Request Entity Too Large
34.12.3. 499 Client Closed Request
34.12.4. 502 Bad Gateway?
34.12.5. 504 Gateway Time-out
34.12.6. proxy_pass
34.12.7. proxy_pass SESSION 丢失问题
34.12.8. [alert] 55785#0: *11449 socket() failed (24: Too many open files) while connecting to upstream
34.12.9. server_name 与 SSI 注意事项
34.12.10. location 跨 document_root 引用,引用 document_root 之外的资源
34.12.11. nginx: [warn] duplicate MIME type "text/html" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
34.12.12. failed
34.12.13. failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream
34.12.14. upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream
34.12.15. 很目录 index.html 正常访问,其他文件都是 404
34.12.16. nginx: [warn] the "listen ... http2" directive is deprecated, use the "http2" directive instead
35. Openresty
35.1. 安装 Openresty
35.1.1. 源码安装
35.2. Openresty 开发
35.2.1. Hello world!!!
35.2.2. 日期和时间
35.2.3. 数据结构
35.2.4. echo 输出
35.2.5. 参数处理
35.2.6. Nginx 变量
35.2.7. Json
35.2.8. Redis
35.2.9. Nginx 缓存
35.2.10. logs
35.3. 实现灰度发布
35.4. Redis
36. Caddy
36.1. 安装 Caddy
36.1.1. CentOS/Rocky Linux/AlmiLinux
36.2. 命令行
36.2.1. 启动 Caddy
36.2.2. 文件服务器
36.3. /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
36.3.1. 监听地址
36.3.2. 反向代理
36.3.3. Let's Encrypt 免费 SSL 证书
36.3.4. 返回内容
37. Apache Tomcat
37.1. Tomcat 安装与配置
37.1.1. Tomcat 6
37.1.2. Tomcat 7
37.1.3. Java 8 + Tomcat 8
37.1.4. Tomcat 9/10
37.1.5. 防火墙配置
37.1.6. 同时运行多实例
37.1.7. Testing file
37.1.8. mod_jk
37.1.9. mod_proxy_ajp
37.1.10. RewriteEngine 连接 Tomcat
37.1.11. SSL 双向认证
37.2. 配置 Tomcat 服务器
37.2.1. server.xml
37.2.2. tomcat-users.xml
37.2.3. context.xml
37.2.4. logging.properties
37.2.5. catalina.properties
37.3. 虚拟主机配置
37.3.1. 方案一
37.3.2. 方案二
37.3.3. Alias 别名
37.3.4. access_log
37.3.5. Context 配置
37.3.6. 主机绑定IP地址
37.4. SSI
37.5. Logging 日志
37.5.1. 开启 debug 模式
37.5.2. 切割 catalina.out 日志
37.6. Init.d Script
37.6.1. Script 1
37.6.2. Shell Script 2
38. Apache httpd
38.1. Install
38.1.1. Quick install apache with aptitude
38.1.2. CentOS 6
38.1.3. Compile and then install Apache
38.1.4. XAMPP
38.2. Module
38.2.1. Output a list of modules compiled into the server.
38.2.2. Core
38.2.3. mpm
38.2.4. Apache Log
38.2.5. mod_access
38.2.6. VirtualHost
38.2.7. Alias / AliasMatch
38.2.8. Redirect / RedirectMatch
38.2.9. Rewrite
38.2.10. Proxy
38.2.11. Deflate
38.2.12. Expires
38.2.13. Cache
38.2.14. usertrack
38.2.15. Charset
38.2.16. Dir
38.2.17. Includes
38.2.18. Apache Status
38.2.19. Mod Perl
38.2.20. mod_pagespeed -
38.2.21. Module FAQ
38.2.22. mod_setenvif
38.2.23. PHP 程序安全问题 php_admin_value
38.2.24. mod_spdy
38.3. 设置Apache实现防盗连
38.4. .htaccess
38.5. Error Prompt
38.5.1. Invalid command 'Order', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
38.5.2. Invalid command 'AuthUserFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
39. Lighttpd
39.1. 安装Lighttpd
39.1.1. quick install with aptitude
39.1.2. yum install
39.1.3. to compile and then install lighttpd
39.2. /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
39.2.1. max-worker / max-fds
39.2.2. accesslog.filename
39.2.3. ETags
39.2.4. server.tag
39.3. Module
39.3.1. simple_vhost
39.3.2. ssl
39.3.3. redirect
39.3.4. rewrite
39.3.5. alias
39.3.6. auth
39.3.7. compress
39.3.8. expire
39.3.9. status
39.3.10. setenv
39.3.11. fastcgi
39.3.12. user-agent
39.3.13. spdy
39.4. 其他模块
39.4.1. mod_secdownload 防盗链
39.5. Example
39.5.1. s-maxage
40. Resin
40.1. 安装Resin
40.1.1. 直接使用
40.1.2. Debian/Ubuntu
40.1.3. 源码安装Resin
40.2. Compiling mod_caucho.so
40.3. resin.conf
40.3.1. Maximum number of threads
40.3.2. Configures the keepalive
40.3.3. ssl
40.4. virtual hosts
40.4.1. explicit host
40.4.2. regexp host
40.4.3. host-alias
40.4.4. configures a deployment directory for virtual hosts
40.4.5. Resources
40.5. FAQ
40.5.1. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
41. Application Server
41.1. Zope
41.2. JBoss - JBoss Enterprise Middleware
42. Web Server Optimization
42.1. ulimit
42.1.1. open files
42.2. khttpd
42.3. php.ini
42.3.1. Resource Limits
42.3.2. File Uploads
42.3.3. Session Shared
42.3.4. PATHINFO
42.4. APC Cache (php-apc - APC (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 5)
42.5. Zend Optimizer
42.6. eaccelerator
43. varnish - a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator
43.1. Varnish Install
43.2. varnish utility
43.2.1. status
43.2.2. varnishadm
43.2.3. varnishtop
43.2.4. varnishhist
43.2.5. varnishsizes
43.3. log file
43.4. Varnish Configuration Language - VCL
43.4.1. unset / set
43.5. example
44. Apache Traffic Server
44.1. Install
44.2. Configure
45. Cherokee
45.1. Installing Cherokee
46. Jetty
47. Other Web Server
47.1. Python SimpleHTTPServer
48. web 服务器排名
48.1. HTTP状态码
49. Let's Encrypt's 免费SSL证书
49.1. 安装 certbot 工具
49.2. 生成证书,HTTP 文件认证
49.3. 手工生成证书,基于 DNS 认证
49.4. 证书更新
49.5. Chrome
V. Mail Server
50. Mail server constituent
51. mail user agent (MUA)
51.1. mail
51.2. mutt - text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading
51.2.1. 发送邮件
51.2.2. 设置自定义 From
51.3. alpine - Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful
51.4. fetchmail - SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder
51.5. GPG4WIN
51.6. Evolution
52. exim - meta-package to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation
52.1. install
52.1.1. ubuntu/debian
52.1.2. CentOS/Redhat
52.2. exim 命令
52.2.1. 帮助信息
52.2.2. 测试发送邮件
52.2.3. 刷新邮件队列
52.3. 配置exim
52.3.1. /etc/aliases 别名配置
52.4. FAQ
52.4.1. Mailing to remote domains not supported
53. postfix - High-performance mail transport agent
53.1. install
53.1.1. Ubuntu
53.1.2. CentOS
53.1.3. OSCM 通过配置管理脚本安装
53.2. 配置 Postfix
53.2.1. 转发配置
53.2.2. 拒收垃圾邮件
53.2.3. 收件箱配置
53.2.4. 邮件投递
53.2.5. 队列配置
53.2.6. 客户端
53.2.7. SMTP 发送权限相关配置
53.3. aliases
53.4. dkim
53.4.1. 增加域名
53.4.2. 测试
53.5. Rspamd
53.6. /var/log/maillog
53.6.1. 计算每分钟发送数量日志统计
53.6.2. 虚假地址统计
53.7. Post 命令
53.7.1. postconf - Postfix configuration utility
53.7.2. postsuper
53.7.3. postqueue - Postfix queue control
53.7.4. postmulti - Postfix multi-instance manager
53.8. Example
53.8.1. 站内电邮发送
53.8.2. EDM 服务器
53.8.3. SMTP 邮件发送服务器
53.9. FAQ
53.9.1. SMTP ERROR: RCPT TO command failed: 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax
53.9.2. connect to gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[2607:f8b0:400e:c00::1a]:25: Network is unreachable
53.9.3. opendkim[5762]: 3012A802C1DD: [] [] not internal
53.9.4. opendkim[12578]: 4CC5C802C382: no signature data
53.9.5. /etc/opendkim/keys/default.private: open(): No such file or directory
53.9.6. fatal: parameter inet_interfaces: no local interface found for ::1
53.9.7. NOQUEUE: reject: MAIL from unknown[]: 552 5.3.4 Message size exceeds fixed limit;
53.9.8. 452 4.3.1 Insufficient system storage
53.9.9. 454 Relay access denied
54. 邮件原文
54.1. Subject Unicode
54.2. TO/CC/BCC
54.3. 正文
54.4. POP Sniffer
54.5. PHP mail()
55. 反垃圾邮件相关
55.1. Sender Policy Framework
55.1.1. 分析 SPF 记录
55.2. DKIM
55.3. 邮件被拒收处理方法
55.3.1. NetEase
55.3.2. Sohu
55.3.3. Tom
55.3.4. QQ
55.3.5. 21CN
56. Fax
56.1. HylaFAX
57. FAQ
57.1. 通过SSH与控制台不能登录
VI. Backup, Recovery, and Archiving Solutions
58. Logical Volume Manager (LVM)
58.1. 物理卷管理(physical volume)
58.1.1. pvcreate
58.1.2. pvdisplay
58.1.3. pvs
58.2. 卷组管理(Volume Group)
58.2.1. vgcreate
58.2.2. vgdisplay
58.2.3. vgs
58.2.4. vgchange
58.2.5. vgextend
58.2.6. vgreduce
58.3. 逻辑卷管理(logical volume)
58.3.1. lvcreate
58.3.2. lvdisplay
58.3.3. lvremove
58.4. Format
58.5. mount
58.5.1. lv
58.5.2. snapshot
58.6. snapshot backup
59. 文件传输
59.1. 跨服务器文件传输
59.1.1. scp - secure copy (remote file copy program)
59.1.2. nc - TCP/IP swiss army knife
59.2. wget - retrieves files from the web
59.2.1. 下载所有图片
59.2.2. mirror
59.2.3. reject
59.2.4. ftp 下载
59.3. axel - A light download accelerator - Console version
60. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
60.1. lftp
60.1.1. pget
60.1.2. lftp 批处理
60.2. ncftp
60.2.1. batch command
60.2.2. ncftpget
60.2.3. ncftpput
60.3. FileZilla
60.4. vsftpd - The Very Secure FTP Daemon
60.4.1. 安装 vsftpd
60.4.2. ftp 帐号的shell权限
60.4.3. vsftpd 认证模块
60.4.4. chroot
60.4.5. FAT
60.5. ProFTPD + MySQL / OpenLDAP 用户认证
60.5.1. Proftpd + MySQL
60.5.2. Proftpd + OpenLDAP
60.6. Pure-FTPd + LDAP + MySQL + PGSQL + Virtual-Users + Quota
61. File Synchronize
61.1. rsync - fast remote file copy program (like rcp)
61.1.1. 安装Rsync与配置守护进程
61.1.2. rsyncd.conf
61.1.3. rsync 参数说明
61.1.4. step by step to learn rsync
61.1.5. rsync examples
61.1.6. rsync for windows
61.1.7. 多进程 rsync 脚本
61.2. tsync
61.3. lsyncd
61.3.1. 安装
61.3.2. 配置 lsyncd.conf
61.3.3. 配置演示
61.4. Unison File Synchronizer
61.4.1. local
61.4.2. remote
61.4.3. config
61.5. csync2 - cluster synchronization tool
61.5.1. server
61.5.2. node
61.5.3. test
61.5.4. Advanced Configuration
61.5.5. 编译安装
61.6. synctool
62. File Share
62.1. NFSv4
62.1.1. Ubuntu
62.1.2. CentOS
62.1.3. exports
62.1.4. NFS For Windows
62.1.5. exportfs - maintain table of exported NFS file systems
62.1.6. macOS
62.1.7. Parallel NFS(pNFS)
62.2. Samba
62.2.1. install
62.2.2. smb.conf
62.2.3. Samba 相关命令
62.2.4. FAQ
63. Distributed File Systems
63.1. DRBD (Distributed Replicated Block Device)
63.1.1. disk and partition
63.1.2. Installation
63.1.3. configure
63.1.4. Starting
63.1.5. Using
63.2. Network Block Device protocol
63.2.1. nbd-server - Network Block Device protocol - server
63.2.2. nbd-client - Network Block Device protocol - client
63.3. GridFS
63.3.1. nginx-gridfs
63.3.2. lighttpd-gridfs
63.4. Moose File System
63.4.1. Master server installation
63.4.2. Backup server (metalogger) installation
63.4.3. Chunk servers installation
63.4.4. Users’ computers installation
63.4.5. Testing MFS
63.5. LizardFS
63.6. Ceph
63.6.1. Installation on Ubuntu
63.6.2. Installation on CentOS
63.6.3. Block Devices
63.7. GlusterFS
63.7.1. glusterfs-server
63.7.2. glusterfs-client
63.7.3. Testing
63.7.4. RAID
63.7.5. Filesystem Administration
63.7.6. CentOS 6.3
63.8. Lustre
63.9. MogileFS
63.10. Kosmos distributed file system (KFS)
63.11. Hadoop - HDFS
63.12. BeeGFS - The Parallel Cluster File System
63.13. Coda
63.14. OpenAFS
64. Shared Storage
64.1. Oracle OCFS2
64.1.1. 安装
64.2. GFS2
64.3. fam & imon
65. Network Attached Storage(NAS 网络附加存储)
65.1. Network Storage - Openfiler
65.1.1. Accounts
65.1.2. Volumes
65.1.3. Quota
65.2. OpenMediaVault
65.3. FreeNAS
66. Backup / Restore
66.1. 备份策略
66.1.1. Incremental backup
66.1.2. Differential backup
66.2. btrbk.noarch : Tool for creating snapshots and remote backups of btrfs sub-volumes
66.3. dump / restore
66.4. Bacula, the Open Source, Enterprise ready, Network Backup Tool for Linux, Unix, Mac and Windows.
66.4.1. Install Backup Server
66.4.2. Install Backup Client
66.5. Amanda: Open Source Backup
66.6. Attic - 拥有重复数据删除技术的备份软件
66.6.1. 安装 Attic
66.6.2. 快速开始
66.7. SafeKeep
66.8. Opendedup
67. inotify
67.1. inotify-tools
67.2. Incron - cron-like daemon which handles filesystem events
67.2.1. incrontab - inotify cron table manipulator
67.2.2. 使用说明
67.3. inotify-tools + rsync
67.4. pyinotify
VII. Monitoring
68. Prometheus
68.1. 安装 Prometheus
68.1.1. Docker 安装
68.1.2. docker swarm
68.1.3. docker-compose
68.1.4. 防火墙设置
68.2. Prometheus 配置
68.2.1. Prometheus 命令行工具
68.2.2. rules 规则配置
68.2.3. SpringBoot
68.2.4. PromQL 自定义查询语言
68.3. Prometheus Exporter
68.3.1. 监控 Docker
68.3.2. node-exporter
68.3.3. cadvisor
68.3.4. Nginx Prometheus Exporter
68.3.5. Redis
68.3.6. MongoDB
68.3.7. MySQL
68.3.8. Blackbox Exporter(blackbox-exporter)
68.3.9. SNMP Exporter
68.4. Alertmanager
68.4.1. Docker 安装
68.4.2. alertmanager.yml 配置文件
68.4.3. 触发测试
68.4.4. 警报状态
68.5. Grafana
68.5.1. cadvisor
68.5.2. Docker - container summary (Prometheus)
69. Zabbix
69.1. Installing and Configuring Zabbix
69.1.1. Ubuntu
69.1.2. CentOS Zabbix 2.4
69.1.3. Zabbix 3.x CentOS 7
69.2. web ui
69.2.1. 警告脚本
69.3. zabbix-java-gateway - Zabbix java gateway
69.4. zabbix-agent
69.4.1. Ubuntu
69.4.2. CentOS 7
69.4.3. zabbix_agentd 命令
69.4.4. Nginx status 监控
69.4.5. redis
69.4.6. MongoDB
69.4.7. PHP-FPM
69.4.8. Elasticsearch
69.4.9. Postfix
69.4.10. TCP stats
69.4.11. 应用依赖检查
69.4.12. Oracle
70. 日志收集和分析
70.1. 系统日志
70.1.1. logwatch
70.1.2. logcheck : Analyzes log files and sends noticeable events as email
70.1.3. nulog
70.1.4. Web
70.1.5. Tomcat
70.1.6. Mail
70.1.7. OpenSSH 日志 /var/log/secure
70.1.8. rinetd.log
70.2. ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana
70.2.1. 安装
70.2.2. logstash 命令简单应用
70.2.3. 配置 logstash
70.2.4. Example
70.2.5. Beats
70.2.6. FAQ
70.3. Grafana + Loki + Promtail
70.3.1. Docker Compose
70.3.2. Helm
70.3.3. promtail
70.4. fluentd
70.4.1. Docker 安装
70.4.2. fluent-bit
70.4.3. temporarily failed to flush the buffer
70.5. Apache Flume
70.5.1. 安装 Apache flume
70.5.2. 基本配置
70.5.3. 配置 MySQL 存储日志
70.5.4. 配置 HDFS 存储日志
70.6. php-syslog-ng
70.7. Log Analyzer
70.8. Splunk
70.9. Octopussy
70.10. eventlog-to-syslog
70.11. graylog - Enterprise Log Management for All
71. 分布式链路追踪
71.1. Apache SkyWalking
71.2. Zipkin
72. 上一代监控系统
72.1. SMS
72.1.1. gnokii
72.1.2. AT Commands
72.2. IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
72.2.1. OpenIPMI
72.2.2. freeipmi
72.2.3. ipmitool - utility for controlling IPMI-enabled devices
72.3. Cacti
72.3.1. Install Cacti for Ubuntu
72.3.2. Yum 安装
72.3.3. Source Install
72.3.4. Web 安装
72.3.5. Cacti plugins
72.3.6. Template
72.4. Nagios
72.4.1. Install
72.4.2. nagios
72.4.3. nrpe node
72.4.4. 配置 Nagios
72.4.5. 配置监控设备
72.4.6. Nagios Plugins
72.4.7. FAQ
72.5. Munin
72.5.1. Ubuntu
72.5.2. CentOS
72.5.3. 用户认证
72.5.4. munin-node and plugins
72.5.5. munin.conf
72.5.6. munin-node
72.6. Observium
72.6.1. Installation
72.7. Ganglia
72.7.1. Server
72.7.2. Client
72.7.3. Plugin
72.7.4. Installing Ganglia on Centos
72.8. Varnish Dashboard
72.9. icinga
72.10. Graphite
72.10.1. Graphite - Scalable Realtime Graphing
72.12. Big Sister
72.13. OpenNMS
72.14. Performance Co-Pilot
72.15. Clumon Performance Monitor
72.16. Zenoss
72.17. 商业软件
72.18. Hyperic HQ
72.19. OSSIM,Spiceworks,FireGen,LANSweeper,OSSEC,HIDS
72.20. HawtIO
72.21. moloch
74. 网络监控
74.1. NET SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
74.1.1. 安装SNMP
74.1.2. 配置SNMP
74.1.3. SNMP 命令
74.1.4. Cisco MBI
74.2. Bandwidth
74.2.1. apt-get install
74.2.2. CentOS rpm/yum
74.2.3. source code
74.2.4. /etc/bandwidthd.conf
74.3. NetFlow
74.3.1. flow-tools - collects and processes NetFlow data
74.3.2. netams - Network Traffic Accounting and Monitoring Software
74.4. Ntop
74.4.1. Installation
74.4.2. Web UI
74.4.3. Plugins
74.5. MRTG
74.5.1. CentOS 8 Stream
74.5.2. Ubuntu 安装
74.5.3. CentOS 安装
74.5.4. 监控多个设备
74.5.5. 批量生成监控配置文件
74.5.6. 图片尺寸
74.6. lvs-rrd
VIII. Server Load Balancing
75. heartbeat
75.1. heartbeat+ldirectord
75.1.1. heartbeat
75.1.2. ldirectord
75.1.3. test
75.2. Pacemaker
76. Linux Virtual Server
76.1. 环境配置
76.2. VS/NAT
76.3. VS/TUN
76.4. VS/DR
76.4.1. 配置文件
76.5. ipvsadm script
76.6. Timeout
76.7. debug
76.8. ipvsadm monitor
77. keepalived
77.1. 安装
77.2. test
77.3. HAProxy and Keepalived (Virtual IP)
78. Piranha - Cluster administation tools
78.1. install
78.2. configure
78.3. real server
78.4. Example
78.4.1. Master
78.4.2. Slave
78.4.3. MySQL
79. HAProxy - fast and reliable load balancing reverse proxy
79.1. Installing
79.1.1. Ubuntu
79.1.2. CentOS
79.2. haproxy.cfg
79.2.1. stats
79.2.2. listen 方式
79.2.3. frontend/backend 方式
79.2.4. option
79.2.5. balance
79.2.6. server
79.3. Example 配置实例
79.3.1. HTTP 配置实例
79.3.2. Squid
79.3.3. haproxy + mysql 配置实例
79.3.4. HTTPS SSL证书卸载配置实例
79.3.5. 使用TCP模式实现SSL穿透
79.3.6. SMTP
80. balance - Load balancing solution and generic tcp proxy
80.1. balance
80.1.1. 编译安装
80.1.2. Ubuntu 安装
80.1.3. 测试安装是否正确
80.1.4. 用法
80.2. BalanceNG
80.3. RBridge
81. Perlbal
81.1. install
82. Pacemaker
83. Example
83.1. 双负载均衡的用法
83.2. 单台负载均衡的用法
83.3. 广域网负载均衡的用法
84. FAQ
84.1. Haproxy 与 Nginx
IX. Distributed Computing
85. Open Source Distributed Computing
85.1. Boinc (berkeley 分布式计算平台)
85.1.1. rc.local
85.2. ubuntu apt-get 安装
85.3. CentOS 安装
85.4. boinccmd
85.4.1. attach_project
85.4.2. nomorework | allowmorework 禁止下载任务 / 允许下载任务
86. High performance Computing
86.1. Distributed Computing
86.1.1. OpenMosix
86.1.2. OpenSSI
86.2. Parallel Computing
86.2.1. EnFusion
86.2.2. SCore
86.2.3. Beowulf
88. Tachyon
89. Apache ZooKeeper
89.1. 安装配置
89.1.1. 单节点安装
89.1.2. 多节点安装
89.2. 管理 ZooKeeper
89.2.1. help
89.2.2. ls
89.2.3. create
89.2.4. get
89.2.5. set
89.2.6. delete
90. Message Queuing & RPC
90.1. RabbitMQ
90.1.1. 安装 RabbitMQ
90.1.2. 配置 RabbitMQ
90.1.3. rabbitmqctl - command line tool for managing a RabbitMQ broker
90.1.4. rabbitmq-plugins - command line tool for managing RabbitMQ broker plugins
90.1.5. Python - Pika
90.1.6. Ruby amqp
90.2. ZeroMQ
90.2.1. python-zeromq
90.2.2. ruby zmq
90.3. nanomsg
90.4. Gearman
90.4.1. Getting Started with Gearman
90.4.2. gearman
90.4.3. Gearman PHP Extension
90.5. Apache Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system
90.5.1. 安装 Kafka
90.5.2. 测试 Kafka
90.5.3. 配置 Kafka
90.5.4. 管理 Kafka
90.5.5. FAQ
90.6. RocketMQ
90.6.1. 安装 RocketMQ
90.7. Celery
90.8. ActiveMQ
90.9. http://kr.github.io/beanstalkd/
90.10. gRPC
X. Security
91. Authentication
91.1. /etc/login.defs
91.2. PAM 插件认证
91.2.1. pam_tally2.so
91.2.2. pam_listfile.so
91.2.3. pam_access.so
91.2.4. pam_wheel.so
91.3. Network Authentication
91.3.1. Network Information Service (NIS)
91.3.2. OpenLDAP
91.3.3. Kerberos
91.3.4. FreeRADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service)
91.3.5. SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
91.3.6. GSSAPI (Generic Security Services Application Program Interface)
92. SELinux
92.1. getsebool - get SELinux boolean value
92.1.1. HTTP 相关配置
92.2. sestatus - SELinux status tool
92.3. setsebool - set SELinux boolean value
92.4. chcon - change file SELinux security context
92.5. rsync
92.6. 查找被SELINUX禁用服务
92.6.1. Nginx
93. Sniffer
93.1. nmap - Network exploration tool and security / port scanner
93.1.1. 安装 nmap
93.1.7. OUTPUT
93.1.8. 排除指定的主机
93.1.9. 查看本地路由与接口
93.1.10. MISC
93.1.11. ncat - Concatenate and redirect sockets
93.1.12. nmap 应用案例
93.2. tcpdump - A powerful tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
93.2.1. 监控网络适配器接口
93.2.2. 监控主机
93.2.3. 监控TCP端口
93.2.4. 监控协议
93.2.5. 输出到文件
93.2.6. src / dst
93.2.7. 保存结果
93.2.8. Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
93.2.9. Flags
93.2.10. 案例
93.3. cdpr - Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter
93.4. ngrep - Network layer grep tool
93.4.1. 匹配关键字
93.4.2. 指定网络接口
93.5. Unicornscan,Zenmap,nast
93.6. netstat-nat - Show the natted connections on a linux iptable firewall
93.7. Tcpreplay
93.8. Wireshark
93.9. conntrack-tools : Manipulate netfilter connection tracking table and run High Availability
93.9.1. 帮助信息
93.9.2. 协议跟踪
94. sqlmap - automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool
94.1. Installation
94.2. 开始入住实验
94.2.1. 测试脚本
94.2.2. sqlmap.ini
94.3. Request参数
94.3.1. --method, --data
94.3.2. --cookie
94.3.3. --referer
94.3.4. --user-agent
94.3.5. --headers
94.3.6. --referer
94.3.7. auth
94.3.8. --proxy
94.3.9. --threads
94.3.10. --delay
94.3.11. --timeout
94.4. Injection
94.4.1. --dbms
94.4.2. --prefix
94.4.3. --postfix
94.4.4. --string
94.4.5. --regexp
94.4.6. --excl-str
94.4.7. --excl-reg
94.5. Techniques
94.5.1. --stacked-test
94.5.2. --time-test
94.5.3. --union-test
94.5.4. --union-tech
94.5.5. --union-use
94.6. Enumeration
94.6.1. dbs
94.6.2. --count
94.6.3. --dump/--dump-all
94.6.4. --sql-query
94.6.5. --sql-shell
94.7. Miscellaneous
94.7.1. --update
94.7.2. --save
95. Vulnerability Scanner
95.1. Nessus
95.2. OpenVAS
96. Injection & Penetration
96.1. Backtrack Linux
97. Lynis Linux 安全性扫描工具
97.1. 安装
97.2. 开始审计
98. Suricata Engine
99. psad
100. fwknop
101. fwsnort
102. nftables
103. Haka
104. Docker
104.1. 安装 Docker
104.1.1. Rocky Linux / AlmiLinux / CentOS 8 Stream
104.1.2. Ubuntu docker-ce
104.1.3. 测试 Docker
104.1.4. 重置 Docker
104.1.5. 早起版本
104.2. Portainer - Docker 图形管理界面
104.2.1. 安装
104.2.2. 配置 Portainer
104.2.3. 添加代理出错
104.3. 配置 Docker
104.3.1. 开启远程访问
104.3.2. 镜像配置
104.3.3. DNS
104.3.4. ulimit 资源
104.4. docker 命令
104.4.1. docker - A self-sufficient runtime for containers
104.4.2. docker-compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.
104.4.3. Docker Scan
104.5. 镜像管理
104.5.1. 搜索镜像
104.5.2. 获取镜像
104.5.3. 列出本地镜像
104.5.4. tag
104.5.5. 保存和载入镜像
104.5.6. 删除本地镜像
104.5.7. history 镜像历史纪录
104.5.8. format 用法
104.5.9. inspect
104.5.10. 查看镜像内容
104.6. 容器管理
104.6.1. 查看容器
104.6.2. 启动与终止容器
104.6.3. 进入容器
104.6.4. 运行容器内的命令
104.6.5. 导出和导入容器
104.6.6. 停止所有容器
104.6.7. 删除容器
104.6.8. log-driver
104.6.9. 操作系统
104.6.10. 查看容器内运行的进程
104.6.11. 更新容器资源配置
104.6.12. 查看容器的退出状态
104.6.13. 暂停与恢复容器
104.6.14. 对比容器的变化
104.6.15. 查看容器状态
104.6.16. 重启容器
104.6.17. DNS
104.7. 卷管理
104.7.1. 列出卷
104.7.2. 创建卷
104.7.3. 挂在镜像
104.7.4. 检查卷
104.7.5. 删除卷
104.7.6. 销毁所有未使用的卷
104.7.7. 在多个容器间共享卷
104.7.8. 容器绑定本地文件系统
104.7.9. 只读权限
104.8. Docker 网络管理
104.8.1. docker0 IP地址
104.8.2. 容器指定固定IP地址
104.8.3. 创建子网
104.8.4. 创建 overlay 网络
104.8.5. 网络命令空间
104.8.6. flannel 网络配置
104.9. 日志管理
104.9.1. 查看默认驱动
104.9.2. Fluentd 配置
104.9.3. Docker 配置
104.9.4. docker-compose 编排
104.9.5. 将日志输出到 /dev/stdout 和 /dev/stderr
104.10. Dockerfile
104.10.1. 基于 Dockerfile 创建镜像
104.10.2. 基于 Alpine 制作镜像
104.10.3. Dockerfile 缺失的工具
104.10.4. Dockerfile 语法
104.11. 仓库
104.11.1. Docker 官方仓库
104.11.2. 私有仓库
104.11.3. Harbor
104.12. Swarms
104.12.1. 管理 Swarms
104.12.2. Stack
104.12.3. 服务
104.12.4. swarm 卷管理
104.13. docker-compose.yml 容器编排
104.13.1. 版本号
104.13.2. 镜像
104.13.3. 容器名称
104.13.4. 启动策略
104.13.5. 容器用户
104.13.6. 挂在卷
104.13.7. 映射端口的标签
104.13.8. 添加 hosts 文件
104.13.9. 网络配置
104.13.10. links 主机别名
104.13.11. 链接外部容器
104.13.12. 服务依赖
104.13.13. working_dir
104.13.14. 设置环境变量
104.13.15. 临时文件系统
104.13.16. 编译 Dockerfile
104.13.17. resources 硬件资源分配
104.14. Docker Example
104.14.1. registry
104.14.2. Example Java - Spring boot with Docker
104.14.3. Redis
104.14.4. Nginx
104.14.5. MySQL
104.14.6. MongoDB
104.14.7. Node
104.15. Docker FAQ
104.15.1. 通过 IP 找容器
104.15.2. 常用工具
104.15.3. 检查 Docker 是否可用
104.15.4. no space left on device
104.15.5. Bitnami
105. Podman
105.1. 安装 Podman
105.1.1. RockyLinux 安装 Podman
105.1.2. Almalinux 9.0
105.1.3. MacOS 安装 Podman
105.1.4. 初始化 Podman
105.1.5. 让 Podman 支持 Docker Compose
105.1.6. 配置 Podman
105.2. podman 管理
105.2.1. 虚拟机管理
105.2.2. 镜像管理
105.2.3. Registry
105.3. 按例
105.3.1. podman run 用法
105.3.2. mysql
105.3.3. 制作镜像
XI. Kubernetes
106. Minikube
106.1. CentOS 8 安装 minikube
106.1.1. CentOS
106.1.2. Mac OS
106.2. Quickstart
106.3. minikube 命令
106.3.1. minikube ip 地址
106.3.2. 启动 minikube
106.3.3. 停止 minikube
106.3.4. Docker 环境变量
106.3.5. SSH
106.3.6. 缓存镜像
106.3.7. 清理 minikube
106.3.8. Kubernetes 控制面板
106.3.9. service
106.3.10. 查看日志
106.3.11. 查看 Docker 环境变量
106.3.12. profile
106.3.13. addons
106.3.14. SSH
106.3.15. 查看IP地址
106.3.16. 镜像管理
106.3.17. kubectl
106.4. Minikube 案例演示
106.5. FAQ
106.5.1. This computer doesn't have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is mandatory
106.5.2. ERROR FileContent--proc-sys-net-bridge-bridge-nf-call-iptables
106.5.3. ERROR ImagePull
106.5.4. 证书已存在错误
106.5.5. http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
106.5.6. provided port is not in the valid range. The range of valid ports is 30000-32767
106.5.7. Exiting due to MK_ENABLE: run callbacks: running callbacks: [verifying registry addon pods : timed out waiting for the condition: timed out waiting for the condition]
106.5.8. Exiting due to SVC_URL_TIMEOUT: is not accessible: Temporary Error: unexpected response code: 503
106.5.9. Mac minikube ip 不通,ingress 不工作
107. microk8s
107.1. 安装 microk8s
107.1.1. 安装指定版本
107.2. 组件管理
107.2.1. dns
107.2.2. dashboard
107.3. kubectl
107.4. Kubernetes Addons
108. Kubernetes 集群管理
108.1. 配置
108.1.2. use-context
108.2. 如何从 docker 过渡到 kubectl 命令
108.2.1. 执行 Shell
108.2.2. 查看信息
108.2.3. 查看 pod 日志
108.2.4. 复制文件
108.2.5. edit
108.2.6. 端口转发
108.2.7. 操作系统资源配置
108.2.8. endpoints
108.2.9. explain
108.2.10. describe
108.3. namespace 命名空间
108.3.1. 查看命名空间
108.3.2. 创建命名空间
108.3.3. 使用 yaml 创建命名空间
108.3.4. 删除命名空间
108.4. label 标签
108.5. 服务管理
108.5.1. 列出服务
108.5.2. 创建服务
108.5.3. 查看服务详细信息
108.5.4. 更新服务
108.5.5. 删除服务
108.5.6. clusterip
108.5.7. 设置外部IP
108.5.8. externalname
108.5.9. 负载均衡
108.5.10. nodeport
108.5.11. Example
108.6. serviceaccount
108.7. Pod 管理
108.7.1. 查看 POD 状态
108.7.2. 运行 POD
108.7.3. 删除 pod
108.7.4. 查看 Pod 的事件
108.7.5. Taint(污点)和 Toleration(容忍)
108.7.6. 镜像拉取策略
108.7.7. 指定主机名
108.7.8. 环境变量
108.7.9. 健康状态检查
108.7.10. securityContext
108.7.11. nodeName 选择节点
108.7.12. nodeSelector 选择节点
108.7.13. nodeAffinity 选择节点
108.7.14. Taint(污点)和 Toleration(容忍)
108.7.15. strategy
108.8. 部署管理
108.8.1. expose
108.8.2. 部署容器
108.8.3. 删除 deployment
108.8.4. 扩容管理
108.8.5. rollout
108.8.6. 重启容器
108.8.7. 更新镜像
108.9. secret 密钥管理
108.9.1. 获取 Token
108.9.2. 创建 Secret
108.9.3. Private Registry 用户认证
108.9.4. 配置TLS SSL
108.10. ConfigMap
108.10.1. 创建 Key-Value 配置项
108.10.2. 从文件创建 ConfigMap
108.10.3. 从环境变量文件创建 ConfigMap
108.10.4. 查看 ConfigMap
108.10.5. 删除 ConfigMap
108.10.6. ConfigMap
108.11. Job/CronJob
108.11.1. CronJob
108.11.2. Job
108.12. clusterrolebinding
108.13. Volume
108.13.1. local
108.14. Ingress
108.14.1. 管理 Ingress
108.14.2. 挂载 SSL 证书上
108.14.3. 端口
108.14.4. URI 规则
108.14.5. vhost 虚拟主机
108.14.6. rewrite
108.14.7. annotations 配置
108.14.8. 金丝雀发布(灰度发布)
108.14.9. 解决 504 网关超时
109. kubectl example
109.1. 私有 registry
109.2. mongodb
109.3. tomcat
110. istio
110.1. 启动 istio
110.2. 禁用 istio
111. Kubeapps
112. Helm - The package manager for Kubernetes
112.1. 安装 Helm
112.1.1. AlmaLinux
112.1.2. Rocky Linux
112.1.3. Ubuntu
112.1.4. Mac
112.2. 快速开始
112.3. Helm 命令
112.3.1. 初始化 Helm
112.3.2. 查看仓库列表
112.3.3. 搜索
112.3.4. 查看包信息
112.3.5. 安装
112.3.6. 列表
112.3.7. 删除
112.3.8. 升级
112.3.9. 回滚
112.3.10. 查看状态
112.4. ingress-nginx
112.5. elastic
112.6. Helm The package manager for Kubernetes
112.7. Helm Faq
113. Rancher - Multi-Cluster Kubernetes Management
113.1. 安装 Rancher
113.1.1. Rancher Server
113.1.2. Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) 2
113.1.3. Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) 1
113.1.4. Rancher CLI
113.1.5. rancher-compose
113.2. 快速入门
113.2.1. API
113.3. Rancher Compose
113.3.1. Rancher Compose 命令
113.3.2. 操作演示
113.4. Rancher CLI
113.4.1. 登陆 Rancher
113.4.2. 查看集群
113.4.3. 查看节点
113.4.4. catalog
113.4.5. 查看设置
113.4.6. rancher kubectl
113.5. K3s
113.5.1. AutoK3s
113.5.2. 安装 K3s(Docker 模式)
113.5.3. 安装 K3s(VM 模式)
113.5.4. k3d
113.5.5. TLS 证书
113.5.6. 创建 Token
113.5.7. FAQ
113.6. Rancher Demo
113.6.1. Rancher 部署 Nginx
113.6.2. local-path-provisioner
113.7. Longhorn
113.7.1. 安装 Longhorn
113.7.2. 选择磁盘类型
113.7.3. 节点选择
113.7.4. FAQ
113.8. FAQ
113.8.1. 调试 Rancher 查看日志
113.8.2. [network] Host [rancher.netkiller.cn] is not able to connect to the following ports: [rancher.netkiller.cn:2379]. Please check network policies and firewall rules
113.8.3. cgroups v2
114. netkiller 容器编排工具
114.1. 安装 netkiller-devops
114.2. 使用 python 优雅地编排 Docker 容器
114.2.1. 安装依赖库
114.2.2. 创建一个 Services
114.2.3. 创建 Composes
114.2.4. 容器管理
114.2.5. 演示例子
114.2.6. 使用 Python 编排 Dockerfile
114.2.8. logstash
114.3. 使用 Python 优雅地编排 Kubernetes
114.3.1. 快速演示编排Nginx
114.3.2. 创建命名空间
114.3.3. ConfigMap/Secret 编排演示
114.3.4. Pod 挂载 ConfigMap 编排演示
114.3.5. Pod 挂载 ConfigMap 设置环境变量
114.3.6. Ingress 挂载 SSL 证书
114.3.7. StatefulSet 部署 Redis
114.3.8. StorageClass
114.3.9. 部署 MySQL 到 kubernetes
114.3.10. MongoDB
114.3.11. Nacos
114.3.12. Redis
114.3.13. Kubernetes 部署 kube-explorer 图形化界面
114.3.14. ELK
114.3.15. sonarqube
XII. Virtualization
115. Virtual Machine(虚拟机)
115.1. Kernel-based Virtual Machine(KVM)
115.1.1. kvm install usage yum
115.1.2. Ubuntu
115.1.3. CentOS 6.2
115.1.4. Scientific Linux Virtualization
115.1.5. libvirt
115.1.6. FAQ
115.2. Xen
115.2.1. install
115.2.2. Manager
115.3. OpenVZ
115.3.1. 安装OpenVZ
115.3.2. 使用OpenVZ & 建立VPS
115.3.3. 设置VPS参数
115.4. vagrant - Tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments
115.4.1. vagrant for windows
115.5. 虚拟机管理
115.5.1. Proxmox - Open-source virtualization management platform Proxmox VE
115.5.2. OpenStack
115.5.3. CloudStack
115.5.4. OpenNode
115.5.5. OpenNEbula
XIII. 项目管理工具
116. Gitlab 项目管理
116.1. GitLab 安装与配置
116.1.1. Almalinux 9.0
116.1.2. CentOS 8 Stream 安装 Gitlab
116.1.3. Docker 方式安装 Gitlab
116.1.4. Yum 安装 GitLab
116.1.5. 绑定SSL证书
116.1.6. Gitlab 管理
116.2. 初始化 Gitlab
116.2.1. 操作系统初始化
116.2.2. 创建用户
116.2.3. 初始化组
116.2.4. 初始化标签
116.2.5. 初始化分支
116.2.6. 部署环境
116.3. 项目管理
116.3.1. 组织架构
116.3.2. 项目计划
116.3.3. 工作流
116.3.4. 议题
116.3.5. 并行开发
116.3.6. 升级与发布相关
116.3.7. 代码审查
116.4. 通过GPG签名提交代码
116.4.1. 创建证书
116.4.2. 配置 Gitlab GPG
116.4.3. 配置 Git
116.4.4. FAQ
116.5. CI / CD
116.5.1. 远程服务器配置
116.5.2. 配置 CI / CD
116.5.3. Shell 执行器
116.5.4. tags 的使用方法
116.5.5. Docker 执行器
116.5.6. Kubernetes executor
116.5.7. Java 持续集成相关
116.5.8. 数据库结构监控
116.5.9. 持续部署 Nacos
116.6. Pipeline 流水线
116.6.1. cache
116.6.2. stages
116.6.3. variables
116.6.4. script /before_script / after_script
116.6.5. only and except
116.6.6. 构建物
116.6.7. 允许失败
116.6.8. 定义何时开始job
116.6.9. services
116.6.10. tags
116.6.11. rules 规则
116.6.12. include 包含
116.6.13. 模版
116.6.14. release
116.6.15. 应用案例
116.7. 软件包与镜像库
116.7.1. Maven 仓库
116.7.2. Python Pypi 仓库
116.7.3. Node JS
116.7.4. Docker registry
116.8. 服务器端 hooks
116.8.1. 创建全局 Server hooks
116.8.2. 给单个仓库配置 Server hooks
116.9. 客户端 hooks
116.9.1. 集成禅道
116.10. WebHook
116.11. FAQ
116.11.1. 查看日志
116.11.2. debug runner
116.11.3. gitolite 向 gitlab 迁移
116.11.4. 修改主机名
116.11.5. ERROR: Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... too large archive
116.11.6. ERROR: Job failed (system failure): prepare environment: waiting for pod running: timed out waiting for pod to start. Check https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/shells/index.html#shell-profile-loading for more information
116.11.7. 磁盘 100% 怎样清理
117. Jenkins
117.1. 安装 Jenkins
117.1.1. OSCM 一键安装
117.1.2. Mac
117.1.3. CentOS
117.1.4. Ubuntu
117.1.5. Docker
117.1.6. Minikube
117.2. 配置 Jenkins
117.3. Jenkinsfile
117.3.1. Jenkinsfile - Declarative Pipeline
117.3.2. Jenkinsfile - Scripted Pipeline
117.3.3. 设置环境变量
117.3.4. agent
117.3.5. Steps
117.3.6. 版本控制
117.3.7. 节点与过程
117.3.8. 工作区
117.4. Jenkins Job DSL / Plugin
117.5. Jenkins Plugin
117.5.1. Blue Ocean
117.5.2. Locale Plugin (国际化插件)
117.5.3. github-plugin 插件
117.5.4. Docker
117.5.5. JaCoCo
117.5.6. SSH Pipeline Steps
117.5.7. Rancher
117.5.8. Kubernetes 插件
117.5.9. HTTP Request Plugin
117.5.10. Skip Certificate Check plugin
117.5.11. Android Sign Plugin
117.6. Jenkinsfile Pipeline Example
117.6.1. Maven 子模块范例
117.6.2. 使用指定镜像构建
117.6.3. 命令行制作 Docker 镜像
117.6.4. Yarn
117.6.5. Android
118. SonarQube
118.1. 安装
118.1.1. Kubernetes 安装 SonarQube
118.1.2. Docker
118.1.3. netkiller-devops 安装
118.1.4. SonarScanner
118.2. 配置
118.2.1. 登陆 SonarQube
118.2.2. 本地 maven 执行 SonarQube
118.2.3. 集成 Gitlab
118.2.4. SonarScanner
118.3. FAQ
118.3.1. bootstrap check failure [1] of [1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
118.3.2. failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/sonar/batch/bootstrapper/EnvironmentInformation has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0
118.3.3. [ERROR] An unknown compilation problem occurred
118.3.4. can't have 2 modules with the following key
118.3.5. Kubernetes 运行 sonar-scanner
119. Dagger
120. 持续集成工具
120.1. Code Review
120.1.1. Phabricator - an open source, software engineering platform
120.1.2. Gerrit
120.1.3. TeamCity
120.2. Nexus Repository OSS
120.2.1. 安装 Nexus
120.2.2. Nexus UI
120.2.3. maven 设置
120.2.4. Node.js
120.2.5. Ruby
122. TRAC
122.1. Ubuntu 安装
122.1.1. source code
122.1.2. easy_install
122.1.3. Apache httpd
122.2. CentOS 安装
122.2.1. trac.ini
122.2.2. standalone
122.2.3. Using Authentication
122.2.4. trac-admin
122.3. Project Environment
122.3.1. Sqlite
122.3.2. MySQL
122.3.3. Plugin
122.4. trac.ini
122.4.1. repository
122.4.2. attachment 附件配置
122.5. trac-admin
122.5.1. adduser script
122.6. Trac 项目管理
122.6.1. Administration
122.6.2. Wiki
122.6.3. Timeline
122.6.4. Roadmap
122.6.5. Ticket
122.7. FAQ
122.7.1. TracError: Cannot load Python bindings for MySQL
122.8. Apache Bloodhound
123. Redmine
123.1. CentOS 安装
123.2. Redmine 运行
123.3. 插件
123.3.1. workflow
124. 项目管理工具
124.1. 禅道
124.2. TUTOS
XIV. 软件版本控制
125. Git - Fast Version Control System
125.1. Repositories 仓库管理
125.1.1. initial setup
125.1.2. 克隆代码
125.1.3. 切换分支
125.1.4. git-add - Add file contents to the index
125.1.5. Creating and Commiting
125.1.6. Status
125.1.7. Diff
125.1.8. Push
125.1.9. Pull
125.1.10. fetch
125.1.11. Creating a Patch
125.1.12. reset
125.2. 分支管理
125.2.1. 查看本地分支
125.2.2. 创建分支
125.2.3. 删除分支
125.2.4. 切换分支
125.2.5. 重命名分支
125.2.6. git-show-branch - Show branches and their commits
125.3. git log
125.3.1. hash-object
125.3.2. 一行显示 --oneline
125.3.3. 查看文件历史记录
125.3.4. 格式化
125.4. reflog
125.5. 远程仓库
125.5.1. 查看远程地址
125.5.2. 添加远程仓库
125.5.3. 修改 origin
125.5.4. 删除 origin
125.5.5. 仓库共享
125.6. git show - Show various types of objects
125.6.1. 查看指定版本的文件内容
125.7. 合并分支
125.7.1. 合并分支
125.7.2. rebase
125.7.3. 合并分支解决冲突
125.7.4. 终止合并
125.7.5. 合并单个文件
125.7.6. Git 合并特定 commits 到另一个分支
125.8. 比较文件
125.8.1. 比较 SHA
125.8.2. 分支比较
125.9. Submodule 子模块
125.9.1. 添加模块
125.9.2. checkout 子模块
125.9.3. 删除子模块
125.10. Git Large File Storage
125.10.1. 安装 LFS 支持
125.10.2. LFS lock
125.11. git config
125.11.1. git config
125.11.2. 查看配置
125.11.3. 编辑配置
125.11.4. 替换配置项
125.11.5. 配置默认分之
125.11.6. GPG签名
125.11.7. core.sshCommand
125.11.8. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
125.11.9. 忽略 SSL 检查
125.11.10. 配置忽略合并文件
125.11.11. .gitignore
125.11.12. .gitattributes
125.11.13. 配置模版目录
125.12. git rev-parse - Pick out and massage parameters
125.12.1. 获得当前提交ID
125.12.2. --short
125.13. git-daemon 服务器
125.13.1. git-daemon - A really simple server for git repositories
125.13.2. git-daemon-sysvinit
125.13.3. inet.conf / xinetd 方式启动
125.13.4. git-daemon-run
125.13.5. Testing
125.14. git-svn - Bidirectional operation between a single Subversion branch and git
125.15. Web Tools
125.15.1. viewgit
125.16. gitolite - SSH-based gatekeeper for git repositories
125.16.1. gitolite-admin
125.17. FAQ
125.17.1. 导出最后一次修改过的文件
125.17.2. 导出指定版本区间修改过的文件
125.17.3. 撤销当前修改,恢复到远程最后一次提交
125.17.4. 回撤提交
125.17.5. 撤回单个文件提交
125.17.6. 合并分支中的单个
125.17.7. 每个项目一个证书
125.17.8. fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.
125.17.9. receive.denyCurrentBranch
125.17.10. 更新所有项目以及分支
125.17.11. 找回丢失的分支
126. Subversion
126.1. Invoking the Server
126.1.1. Installing
126.1.2. standalone “daemon” process
126.1.3. classic Unix-like inetd daemon
126.1.4. hooks
126.1.5. WebDav
126.2. repository 管理
126.2.1. create repository
126.2.2. user admin
126.2.3. authz
126.2.4. dump
126.3. 使用Subversion
126.3.1. Initialized empty subversion repository for project
126.3.2. ignore
126.3.3. 关键字替换
126.3.4. lock 加锁/ unlock 解锁
126.3.5. import
126.3.6. export 指定版本
126.3.7. 修订版本关键字
126.3.8. 恢复旧版本
126.4. branch
126.4.1. create
126.4.2. remove
126.4.3. switch
126.4.4. merge
126.4.5. relocate
126.5. FAQ
126.5.1. 递归添加文件
126.5.2. 清除项目里的所有.svn目录
126.5.3. color diff
126.5.4. cvs2svn
126.5.5. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 + WebDAV +Subversion
126.5.6. 指定用户名与密码
127. cvs - Concurrent Versions System
127.1. installation
127.1.1. chroot
127.2. cvs login | logout
127.3. cvs import
127.4. cvs checkout
127.5. cvs update
127.6. cvs add
127.7. cvs status
127.8. cvs commit
127.9. cvs remove
127.10. cvs log
127.11. cvs annotate
127.12. cvs diff
127.13. rename file
127.14. revision
127.15. cvs export
127.16. cvs release
127.17. branch
127.17.1. milestone
127.17.2. patch branch
127.18. keywords
128. 常用命令
128.1. 获取IP地址
XV. Configuration Management(配置管理)
129. Ansible - SSH-based configuration management, deployment, and task execution system
129.1. install
129.2. Getting Started
129.3. ansible - run a command somewhere else
129.3.1. host-pattern
129.3.2. -a MODULE_ARGS, --args=MODULE_ARGS module arguments
129.3.3. -i INVENTORY, --inventory-file=INVENTORY specify inventory host file (default=/etc/ansible/hosts)
129.3.4. -m MODULE_NAME, --module-name=MODULE_NAME module name to execute (default=command)
129.3.5. -s, --sudo run operations with sudo (nopasswd)
129.3.6. -u REMOTE_USER, --user=REMOTE_USER connect as this user (default=root)
129.3.7. 使用实例
129.4. ansible-doc - Show Ansible module documentation
129.5. ansible-playbook - run an ansible playbook
129.5.1. 包含文件用法
130. Capistrano
131. Puppet
131.1. Installing Puppet CentOS 6.3
131.2. Puppet 签名
131.2.1. Agent 节点
131.2.2. Master 服务器
131.3. test
131.3.1. Master
131.3.2. Agent
131.4. 配置文件
131.4.1. /etc/sysconfig/puppet
131.4.2. /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf
131.5. manifests
131.5.1. node
131.5.2. group, user 用户组管理
131.5.3. file
131.5.4. package
131.5.5. service
131.5.6. exec
131.5.7. cron
131.6. modules
131.7. firewall 配置
131.8. debug
131.8.1. master
131.8.2. node
131.9. FAQ
131.9.1. err: Could not request certificate: No route to host - connect(2)
131.9.2. No help available unless you have RDoc::usage installed
132. SaltStack
132.1. 安装 Salt Stack
132.1.1. 服务端安装
132.1.2. 客户端安装
132.1.3. 防火墙配置
132.1.4. key 管理
132.1.5. 测试
132.1.6. Demo
132.2. salt-key - Salt key is used to manage Salt authentication keys
132.3. salt 命令
132.3.1. cmd
132.3.2. pkg.install
132.3.3. network.interfaces
132.3.4. salt example
132.4. /etc/salt/master
132.4.1. File Server settings
132.4.2. Pillar settings
132.4.3. Node Groups
132.4.4. File Server Backend
132.5. sls 脚本
132.5.1. pkg
132.5.2. service
132.6. FAQ
132.6.1. Git fileserver backend is enabled in configuration but could not be loaded, is git-python installed
133. Chef
133.1. 安装 Chef
133.1.1. CentOS
134. Cobbler
135. Cfengine
136. func
137. (R)?ex Deployment & Configuration Management
138. 基于Web的系统管理软件
138.1. Webmin
138.1.1. webalizer
138.2. ajenti
XVI. 图形工具(Graphics)
139. Gnuplot
139.1. 安装 Gnuplot
139.1.1. CentOS 环境
139.1.2. Ubuntu 环境
139.1.3. 测试 Gnuplot 是否可用
139.2. terminal
139.3. output
139.4. title/xlabel/ylabel
139.5. xrange/yrange
139.5.1. 时间轴范围
139.5.2. 日期轴范围
139.6. xdata
139.6.1. Date/Time
139.7. plot
139.7.1. using
139.8. PHPlot
139.9. FAQ
139.9.1. Could not find/open font when opening font "arial", using internal non-scalable font
139.9.2. 变量传递
140. Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software
140.1. Installation
140.1.1. Apt-get
140.1.2. Yum
140.2. The DOT Language
140.2.1. dot
140.2.2. twopi
140.2.3. gprof
140.3. Node, Edge and Graph Attributes
140.3.1. Color Names
140.3.2. Node Shapes
140.3.3. 箭头
140.4. Example
140.4.1. E-R
140.4.2. Network
140.4.3. workflow
141. RRDTool
141.1. install
141.2. rrdtool demo example
141.3. title
141.4. start / end
141.5. height / width
141.6. upper-limit / lower-limit
141.7. vertical-label
141.8. Data Source
141.9. Round Robin Archives
141.10. AREA, LINE and STACK
141.10.1. LINE
141.10.2. AREA
141.10.3. STACK
141.10.4. GPRINT
141.11. Example
141.11.1. Memory
141.11.2. example 1
141.11.3. example 1
142. OpenBR
143. OCR - Optical Character Recognition
143.1. Tesseract
143.2. cuneiform - multi-language OCR system
144. Open-Source tool in Java to draw UML Diagram
145. Asymptote: The Vector Graphics Language
145.1. UML
146. MetaPost
147. OpenStreetMap
147.1. OpenLayers
147.2. Leaflet
148. Baidu Map
148.1. BMap.Circle
XVII. 多媒体信息处理(Multimedia)
149. Audio
149.1. lame
150. Video
150.1. OpenShot
150.2. cinelerra-cv
150.3. FFmpeg
150.3.1. 安装
150.3.2. 视频格式转换
150.3.3. 提取视频中的音频
150.3.4. 添加字幕
150.3.5. 音频格式转换
151. 图像处理(Graphics)
151.1. GraphicsMagick
151.1.1. 安装
151.1.2. 识别图像信息
151.1.3. mogrify
151.1.4. convert
151.1.5. montage
151.1.6. 截屏
151.1.7. 显示图像
151.2. ImageMagick
151.2.1. install
151.2.2. convert
151.2.3. 查看支持字体列表
151.3. Photivo
151.4. How to add metadata to digital pictures from the command line
152. Music score
152.1. Synthesizer
152.1.1. ZynAddSubFX
152.2. Drums
152.2.1. Hydrogen
152.3. LilyPond
152.3.1. Example
152.4. MuseScore
152.5. ardour
152.6. LMMS
152.7. Qsynth
152.8. Rosegarden
152.9. TerminatorX
152.10. Pulseaudio
153. Stream
153.1. broadcast streaming
153.1.1. gnump3d - A streaming server for MP3 and OGG files
153.1.2. icecast2 - Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server
153.1.3. shoutcast
153.1.4. PeerCast
153.2. WebRTC
155. 常用命令
155.1. 获取IP地址
XVIII. Voice over IP
156. Gnu Gatekeeper
156.1. Gnu Gatekeeper Install
156.2. Gnu Gatekeeper Configure
156.3. Gnu Gatekeeper Test
156.3.1. Part I - Microsoft Windows NetMeeting
156.3.2. Part II - ohphone
157. OpenSIPS
157.1. 安装 OpenSIPS
157.1.1. centos 6.5 默认安装
157.1.2. 使用 yum.opensips.org 源安装
157.1.3. 编译安装
157.2. 数据库部署
157.2.1. DBTEXT
157.2.2. MySQL
157.2.3. PGSQL
157.2.4. Berkeley DB
157.3. 测试 opensips
158. PBX
158.1. Asterisk (OpenSource Linux PBX that supports both SIP and H.323)
158.2. FreeSWITCH
158.3. Yate - Yet Another Telephony Engine (includes SIP to H.323 translation)
159. VOCAL (includes a SIP to H.323 translator)
160. SIP/H.323 客户端
160.1. linphone
160.2. Yate Client
XIX. 数字证书,编码与解码
161. UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)
161.1. GUID
161.2. Subversion
161.3. PHP UUID
161.4. JAVA UUID
161.5. PERL UUID
161.6. Python UUID
161.7. MySQL uuid()
161.8. linux command uuid
162. Encode & Decode
162.1. MIME (BASE64) 专题
162.1.1. Linux Command base64
162.1.2. PHP Base64
162.1.3. Python Base64
162.1.4. perl base64
162.1.5. Java Base64
162.1.6. C/C++ Base64
162.2. Uuencode
162.2.1. PHP uuencode
162.3. Quoted-Printable
162.3.1. C Quoted-Printable
162.3.2. Java Quoted-Printable
162.3.3. Python Quoted-Printable
162.4. Base58
162.4.1. php
162.4.2. Java Base58
163. Message Digest (数字摘要)
163.1. MD5专题
163.1.1. md5sum
163.1.2. PHP md5()
163.1.3. MySQL md5()
163.1.4. Java MD5
163.1.5. perl md5
163.2. SHA 专题
163.2.1. sha1sum
163.2.2. PHP sha1()
163.2.3. Java SHA
163.2.4. Perl
163.3. CRC32
163.3.1. PHP CRC32
163.3.2. Java CRC32
163.4. 第三方工具
163.4.1. htpasswd
163.4.2. htdigest
163.4.3. md5sum
163.4.4. sha1sum
164. DES crypt() 专题
164.1. C crypt()
164.2. PHP crypt()
164.3. perl crypt
164.4. mysql crypt
164.5. Java crypt
164.5.1. Java 8 DES
164.6. grub-md5-crypt - Encrypt a password in MD5 format.
165. AES
165.1. Java
165.1.1. AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding
165.2. PHP
165.2.1. AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding
166. GnuPG
166.1. 安装 GnuPG
166.1.1. CentOS 8 Stream
166.1.2. Ubuntu
166.1.3. macOS
166.2. 创建密钥
166.2.1. 创建密钥并指定过期时间
166.2.2. 快速创建密钥对
166.3. 查看密钥
166.4. 吊销密钥
166.5. 删除密钥
166.6. 密钥倒入/导出
166.6.1. 导出密钥
166.6.2. 导入密钥
166.6.3. 导入所有密钥
166.6.4. 密钥迁移
166.7. 签名
166.8. 加密/解密文件
166.8.1. 加密文件
166.8.2. 解密
166.8.3. 指定用户ID
166.8.4. 签名+加密
166.9. 修改密钥
166.9.1. 显示帮助信息
166.9.2. 签名
166.9.3. 公钥信任配置
166.10. 加密备份 MySQL
166.10.1. 创建密钥对
166.10.2. 数据库备份
166.10.3. 数据库还原
166.11. FAQ
166.11.1. 指定 passphrase
166.11.2. 旧版本 1.4.11
166.12. GnuPG For Windows
166.12.1. 生成密钥对
166.12.2. 列出密钥
166.12.3. 验证签字
166.12.4. EMail-Security
166.13. Smart Card
166.14. PGP
166.15. OpenPGP
167. OpenSSL
167.1. openssl 命令参数
167.1.1. version
167.1.2. 测试加密算法的速度
167.1.3. req
167.1.4. x509
167.1.5. ca
167.1.6. crl
167.1.7. pkcs12
167.1.8. passwd
167.1.9. digest
167.1.10. enc
167.1.11. rsa
167.1.12. dsa
167.1.13. rc4
167.1.14. -config 指定配置文件
167.1.15. -subj 指定参数
167.1.16. rand
167.1.17. 去除私钥的密码
167.1.18. ciphers
167.2. web 服务器 ssl 证书
167.2.1. Nginx
167.3. s_server / s_client
167.3.1. SSL POP3 / SMTP / IMAP
167.3.2. server / client 文件传输
167.3.3. 检查证书是否支持指定的 cipher
167.3.4. HTTP SSL 证书
167.4. smime
167.5. Outlook smime x509 证书
167.5.1. 快速创建自签名证书
167.5.2. 企业或集团方案
167.6. 证书转换
167.6.1. CA证书
167.6.2. 创建CA证书有效期为一年
167.6.3. x509转换为pfx
167.6.4. PEM格式的ca.key转换为Microsoft可以识别的pvk格式
167.6.5. PKCS#12 到 PEM 的转换
167.6.6. 从 PFX 格式文件中提取私钥格式文件 (.key)
167.6.7. 转换 pem 到到 spc
167.6.8. PEM 到 PKCS#12 的转换
167.6.9. How to Convert PFX Certificate to PEM Format for SOAP
167.6.10. DER文件(.crt .cer .der)转为PEM格式文件
167.6.11. JKS 转 X509
167.6.12. jks to pem
167.7. 其他证书工具
167.8. OpenSSL 开发库
167.8.1. DES encryption with OpenSSL
168. 数据库与加密
168.1. MySQL 加密函数
168.1.2. 通过PHP mcrypt 函数加密解密MySQL数据库
169. Java - keytool
169.1. 创建证书
169.2. Private key generation
169.3. Public Key Certificate (optional)
169.4. import your signed certificate
169.5. Import the certificate and attach it to your server key pair
169.6. Key pair verification
170. .Net makecert
170.1. 访问X.509证书
171. Secure Tunnel
171.1. OpenSSH Tunnel
171.1.1. SOCKS v5 Tunnel
171.2. SSL Tunnel
171.2.1. 通过SSL访问POP、IMAP、SMTP
171.3. DeleGate
172. 硬盘分区与文件系统加密
172.1. Microsoft 文件系统加密
172.1.1. Microsoft Encrypting File System (EFS)
172.1.2. BitLocker
173. Office
173.1. Calc
173.1.1. 函数
174. OpenStego - 图像文件水印加密
175. 邮件原文
175.1. Subject Unicode
175.2. TO/CC/BCC
175.3. 正文
175.4. POP Sniffer
175.5. PHP mail()
176. Smart card(智能卡)
176.1. OpenSC - tools and libraries for smart cards
176.1.1. 安装 OpenSC
176.2. openct-tool - OpenCT smart card utility
176.3. ccid - Generic USB CCID smart card reader driver
176.4. usbutils: Linux USB utilities
176.5. USB Token
176.5.1. Open[F]irst
176.5.2. [S]oPin 验证管理员
176.5.3. LED 灯控制
176.5.4. [L]ist
176.5.5. File[M]enu 文件菜单
176.5.6. Set[u]pMenu 设置菜单
176.5.7. Linux ePass
177. Credentials Organization
177.1. VeriSign
177.1.1. iTrusChina
177.1.2. Thawte
177.1.3. Geotrust
177.2. UserTrust
177.3. 境内其他CA机构
177.3.1. WoSign®、I'm Verified®、WoTrust®、沃通®
177.5. Let’s Encrypt
XX. X Window
178. install x window
178.1. xinput - utility to configure and test X input devices
179. X Setup
179.1. 取消开机启动画面
179.2. Automatic login
179.3. disable x window
180. Fonts 字体
180.1. fc-list 字体查看命令
180.1.1. 查看所有字体
180.1.2. 查看中文字体
180.2. 查看字体详情
180.3. 安装字体
180.4. fonts 字体
181. X Terminal
181.1. tsclient - Terminal Server Client supporting XDMCP, VNC and RDP
181.1.1. VNC
181.1.2. xdmcp
181.2. vinagre - a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME Desktop
181.3. rdesktop - A Remote Desktop Protocol client
181.3.1. -g: desktop geometry (WxH)
181.3.2. -f: full-screen mode
181.3.3. -A: enable SeamlessRDP mode
181.3.4. -z: enable rdp compression
181.3.5. -r: enable specified device redirection (this flag can be repeated)
181.4. tigervnc
181.5. TightVNC
182. Unity
182.1. Enable/Disable Auto Hide For Unity 2-D Launcher In Ubuntu 11.10
183. X Window System
183.1. Fluxbox
183.2. LXDE
183.3. Xfce
183.4. Xming X Server for Windows
184. X Application Software
184.1. ubuntu-restricted-extras
184.2. Keyboard Input Methods(输入法)
184.3. 浏览器
184.3.1. Firefox
184.3.2. Chromium Web Browser
184.4. Download Software
184.5. PAC Manager
184.6. LibreOffice
184.7. VYM (View Your Mind)
184.8. greenshot
184.9. Window Switch
184.10. gparted
185. Office
185.1. Calc
185.1.1. 函数
186. IBM WebSphere
186.1. WebSphere Commerce Engerprise 7.0
186.2. UpdateInstaller (AppServer, Plugins, IBMIHS)
186.2.1. WAS
186.2.2. Plugins
186.2.3. IHS
186.2.4. backup
186.3. UpdateInstaller (CommerceServer70)
186.4. WebSphere Commerce Engerprise 7.0 Feature Pack 2.iso
186.5. creating a WebSphere Commerce instance
186.6. enableFeature
186.6.1. foundation
186.6.2. management-center
186.6.3. store-enhancements
186.6.4. checkEnablementStatus
186.6.5. check version
186.7. Start IBMIHS and AppServer
186.7.1. IBMIHS
186.7.2. AppServer
186.7.3. Starting and stopping the WebSphere Commerce Information Center
186.7.4. 管理入口
186.8. Initialization store
XXI. SBC - Single-board computers
187. Raspberry Pi
187.1. 配置工具
187.1.1. rpi-update
187.2. WiFi 配置
187.2.1. 网络状态
187.2.2. WIFI 配置
187.2.3. WiFi 热点配置
187.3. Android 9 Pie
XXII. Home Assistant
188. Home Assistant
188.1. 安装 Home Assistant
188.1.1. Docker 安装
188.1.2. Debian
188.1.3. Ubuntu
188.1.4. 升级
188.2. 配置文件
188.3. Home Assistant Community Store
188.3.1. 正常安装
188.3.2. 遇到 Github 无法访问的情况怎么处理
188.3.3. 手工安装
188.3.4. Node-Red
188.3.5. Xiaomi Miot Auto
188.4. ha 命令
188.4.1. 检查版本
188.4.2. network
188.4.3. 修改 DNS
188.4.4. supervisor 管理
188.4.5. core
188.4.6. jobs
188.5. FAQ
188.5.1. Media change: please insert the disc labeled
189. Node-Red
189.1. function
189.1.1. 银行方案
189.2. 方案
189.3. 支付接口
190. MQTT
190.1. 免费的 MQTT 测试服务器
190.2. mosquitto: Open Source MQTT v5/v3.1.x Broker
190.2.1. 安装
190.2.2. 配置
190.2.3. Docker 方式安装
190.3. Python 开发接口
190.4. MQTT 主题通配符
190.5. Retain
190.6. QoS
191. ChatGPT 接口
191.1. ChatGPT Web 界面
191.2. ChatGPT 接口
192. GPS
192.1. GPS 模块
192.2. GPS 协议
192.3. 安装 gpsd
192.4. traccar
193. FAQ
193.1. 通过SSH与控制台不能登录
1. 附录
1.1. 贡献用户列表
1.2. 参考文档
1.3. Red Hat 漏洞
1.4. National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
1.5. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
1.6. Red Hat Bug平台
1.7. Redhat Doc
1.8. System reduce
2. 历史记录


1.1. 服务器怎样分区才合理
1.2. Linux desktop partition
20.1. 文件目录表达式
20.2. 字符串表达式
20.3. 组合表达式
29.1. net.ipv4.ip_forward
65.1. Volume Group Management
8. 表格标题


8.1. 增加交换分区
8.2. GPT Example
8.3. 创建扩展分区
11.1. netplan dhcp 例子
11.2. bonding example
11.3. 命令行建立WiFi链接步骤
12.1. /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat.service
20.1. A "Power User" Prompt
20.2. A Prompt the Width of Your Term
20.3. The Elegant Useless Clock Prompt
20.4. Basic conditional example if .. then
20.5. Conditionals with variables
20.6. case
20.7. Functions with parameters sample
20.8. Using select to make simple menus
20.9. Using the command line
20.10. Reading user input with read
20.11. read
20.12. random password
22.1. backup(find + tar)
22.2. example for expect
22.3. example for expect
22.4. example 1
22.5. *.exp
22.6. parallel - build and execute shell command lines from standard input in parallel
24.1. whiptail - yesno
24.2. whiptail - inputbox
24.3. whiptail - passwordbox
24.4. whiptail - passwordbox
24.5. whiptail - example 1
24.6. whiptail - radiolist
29.1. /etc/sysconfig/iptables
29.2. connlimit 实例
29.3. CentOS 5.6
32.1. openvpn.conf
32.2. server.conf
32.3. Openvpn 桥接模式服务器配置实例
32.4. 双网卡配置实例
32.5. client.conf
32.6. server.ovpn
32.7. client.ovpn
32.8. office.conf
32.9. home.ovpn
34.1. Nginx SSL 双向认证,证书生成过程
34.2. Expires Examples
34.3. nginx expires
34.4. Example: valid_referers
34.5. Nginx + Tomcat
37.1. /etc/profile.d/java.sh
37.2. /etc/init.d/tomcat
37.3. Example /srv/apache-tomcat/conf
37.4. tomcat firewall
37.5. /etc/rc.d/init.d/www
38.1. index.php
38.2. autolamp.sh
38.3. R=301
38.4. mod_perl.conf
39.1. /etc/init.d/lighttpd
39.2. lighttpd compress
39.3. lighttpd expire
39.4. fastcgi.conf
39.5. Cache
40.1. explicit host in resin.conf
40.2. regexp host in resin.conf
40.3. host-alias in the resin.conf
40.4. host-alias in a /var/www/hosts/foo/host.xml
40.5. host-alias-regexp in the resin.conf
40.6. shared database in host
40.7. rewrite-dispatch
43.1. default.vcl
53.1. SMTP 服务器配置实例
54.1. Subject Unicode
61.1. examples
61.2. backup to a central backup server with 7 day incremental
61.3. backup to a spare disk
61.4. mirroring vger CVS tree
61.5. automated backup at home
61.6. Fancy footwork with remote file lists
61.7. /etc/csync2.cfg
63.1. nginx-gridfs
63.2. Mirror
63.3. Strip
69.1. zabbix-agent 配置实例
70.1. config.php
70.2. spring boot logback
70.3. Elasticsearch 索引切割示例
72.1. cacti config.php
74.1. mrtg
77.1. keepalived.conf
77.2. /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf
78.1. piranha master
78.2. piranha slave
79.1. haproxy + mysql 配置实例
79.2. Haproxy MySQL (Master + Master)
90.1. Ruby on RabbitMQ
90.2. server.py
90.3. client.py
91.1. /etc/pam.d/sshd - pam_tally2.so
91.2. /etc/pam.d/sshd - pam_listfile.so
106.1. minikube 操作演示
114.1. Redis Master/Slave
115.1. virsh
116.1. Docker 部署 GitLab 查看登陆密码
116.2. Docker 部署 gitlab-runner 注册演示
116.3. Example - Release Notes
117.1. Shell Docker 示例
118.1. SonarQube pom.xml 配置
126.1. authz
131.1. puppetd
131.2. puppetca
132.1. salt command
167.1. dsaparam & gendsa
167.2. 加密传输文件
167.3. 快速创建自签名证书
167.4. 创建CA根证书
167.5. 创建自签名的证书
167.6. DES encryption example in C
171.1. stunnel.conf
175.1. Subject Unicode